✦ | Unclear - Part 1

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sanemi x fem!readertw : angst requested by lowercase intended!

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sanemi x fem!reader
tw : angst 
requested by 
lowercase intended!

"SANEMI-SAN!" y/n exclaimed happily. you see, kanroji y/n is the little sister of kanroji mitsuri. the tsuguko of mitsuri too. she had managed to fall in love with mitsuri's comrade, shinazugawa sanemi, and mitsuri took note of this very well. "how are you doing?" y/n smiled brightly as she shoved a box of onigiris towards him. "what the hell are you doing here?" sanemi asked angrily as he grabbed the onigiris roughly from her hands.

"i was just planning to check up on you!" y/n giggled brightly at his rough actions. "tch, you're wasting your time with me, and i'm wasting my time on a pitiful weak brat like you, so be on your way now," sanemi shooed her away. "oh come on sanemi-san-" y/n said but was stopped by sanemi's rough and cruel words. "don't call me sanemi, call me shinazugawa! you are not worthy to speak of my name so easily like that. you're an idiot, you know that? where is your respect for your higher rank comrades?" he asked with a rude voice as y/n could only squeak.

"a-ah yes shinazugawa-san, understood," she nodded silently with a gulp. "now go on, leave," he said with a hand gesture, beckoning her to leave his precious estate. it's now stained by this annoying girl. "o-okay," y/n nodded with a small fake smile before walking away, the walk turned into a sprint, and the sprint shifted into a run as she galloped away towards her sister's estate.

her sister was currently on a mission with the serpent pillar, so she was left alone in the love estate as she took off her white stockings and pink sandals before rushing upstairs to her room. despite y/n knowing that the wind pillar would reply like that, she couldn't help but get overly sensitive about it. she was similar to her sister; sensitive and fragile despite being immensely strong.

y/n couldn't help but tear up a bit. it had been like this ever since she met him, him treating her like a maid and she's always serving him in such a friendly and cheerful way, even in their first meeting.

"hi! you must be shinazugawa-san! oh my goodness, you are so strong in the battlefield out there! my name is kanroji y/n! i'm the little sister of the love pillar, kanroji mitsuri. she's so cool! i want to be a pillar like her! do you think you can train with me one day? oh, i'm so excited–" y/n rambled cheerfully after she was saved by the wind pillar himself. "just shut the hell up, you stupid girl! you're a tsuguko, yet, you couldn't even handle lower moon 4 all by yourself, how weak could you possibly be?" sanemi asked as he stomped away, annoyed by the cheerfulness of the girl.

"o-oh," y/n said silently as her insecurities about being 'weak' were rising again. 'am i really that weak that a pillar even told me off that i'm not worthy of the tsuguko title?' y/n thought silently before she shook off her insecurities and ran faster so that she could catch up with the wind pillar. "anyways! can i call you sanemi? what breathing do you use? did you use wind breathing out the-" "shut up already! your voice is making my ears bleed!" sanemi screamed at y/n before walking off once again.

y/n let herself collapse on to the futon as she raised her blanket and dragged it up to her chin. she shifted her position and stared up the ceiling with a small frown. 'gosh, am i really that unlikable?' she thought silently as she clenched a fistful of her blanket. 'i guess i am,' her vision started blurring and she remembered some of the memories she had with sanemi.

"sanemi-san! look, i made your favorites, onigiri," y/n chirped happily as she gave it to the wind pillar who only glared at the onigiri and grabbed it rudely out of her arms before walking off. "sanemi-san, why won't you answer my letters?" y/n asked curiously, yes, she often sends him letters of encouragement and asking for his well being every single day, using her precious pet crow, kuno.

"it's because it's a waste of my time."

y/n heaved out a heavy sigh as she held onto the blanket tighter dejectedly. she felt like she was at her breaking point, especially at that time of the month, including that she was done dealing with his rude actions to her. she felt tired of him always fueling her insecurities even more. it felt like she's being treated as if she's not human.

"sanemi-san! i prepared a bath for you, and dinner for you!" y/n exclaimed happily as she smiled brightly at the tired wind pillar. the wind pillar had been training all day as the sight of her made him even more drained. his eyes twitched as an irk mark appeared on his forehead. "just shut the hell up and move. you're done nothing but annoy the crap out of me!" sanemi yelled. "can you just shut your mouth? you're so annoying, and don't freaking ever do this again!" sanemi continued.

"honestly, why am i even talking to a low rank like you, just get out of my sight already and get lost!"

"kanroji y/n," a familiar squeaky voice called as y/n snapped out of her trip to the memory lane. there, a familiar crow perched on to the window sill patiently as its beady eyes stared at the h/c girl. "you are assigned on a mission, come follow me," the crow said as y/n sat up and the blanket fell off of her before she stood up and nodded. she went to her sword stand and grabbed her scabbard before stapping it securely on her waist.

without wasting any more time, she fixed her messy hair and quickly dusted off her uniform that revealed a bit too much of her chest, she climbed down the stairs and wore her stockings and her sandals before forcing a smile on her face. "now! let's do this, shall we?" she asked brightly.

she quickly ran forward and left, passing by the wind estate, which had a wind pillar, the wind pillar cautiously stared at the tsuguko as he prayed silently for her safety. you see, sanemi never really had a clear love language, and unfortunately, y/n does not know this, so the both of them had a complete miscommunication.

after hours of following kuno the crow, she had finally stopped in her tracks in the clear opening of a forest. there, stood a demon. kuno perched on to a branch as he stared nervously at the two. "i.. have.. been waiting.. for you," the demon said as it opened his eyes to reveal 6 of them. y/n's shoulders tensed as she squinted her e/c eyes to notice a kanji. "upper.. moon.. one?" y/n said in horror. 

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