✦ | Promise - Part 2

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obanai x fem!blind!readerrequested by HersiNermine

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obanai x fem!blind!reader
requested by HersiNermine

YEARS PASSED by quickly and obanai had decided to join the demon slayer corps, although y/n wanted to accompany him, he strictly forbid her to do so, considering that her sight was restricting everything she wanted to do. as the years passed by, the ravenette had a huge feeling of warmth and love for his best friend, y/n. 

y/n hummed silently as kaburamaru cuddled himself on to her neck as she knit a turquoise scarf for the now serpent hashira as a small congratulations gift. obanai was currently sent on a mission alone as y/n was waiting patiently for him to go back as she knitted a scarf. 

during the years that had passed by, kaburamaru had totally became overprotective over the girl, as well as obanai.  "how does it look so far, kabu-kun?" y/n asked as the snake hissed happily, making y/n smile. "do you think he'd like it?" she asked nervously. "and-- to be honest, i've been f-feeling weird around him lately," she said as she felt her cheeks reddened and kaburamaru smiled knowingly. he also knew about obanai's feelings for her, now the only problem he has left is that the both of them are completely frets. 

kaburamaru hissed in content at the news as y/n tilted her head. "why are you so happy?" she asked as she could hear how soft the hiss was. kaburamaru hissed again. "nothing? are you hiding something from me?" y/n blinked quietly as her bandages moved with her movements. 

before kaburamaru could say anything, footsteps were heard trudging along the wooden engawa as the ravenette was looking for the girl worriedly. he then spotted the girl on the engawa with a turquoise scarf on her hand. "oh, there you are," obanai smiled in relief as he made his way towards y/n and sat down next to her. 

"obanai," y/n smiled happily as she handed him the scarf. "i made this scarf for you," she chirped meekly.  obanai blushed bright red as he smiled. "thank you, y/n," he said silently before he grabbed the scarf and wrapped it around his neck despite the hot weather. 

"i bet you'd look so cool!" y/n cheered happily. kaburamaru slithered away from her neck as he made his way towards obanai and slithered around his neck. "really now?" obanai raised a brow. "really!" she exclaimed before tackling him into a hug which he caught his balance back quickly. "i'm so glad you're okay," y/n smiled silently with a hint of relief. "i'm so glad that you're okay," obanai said. 

y/n giggled happily. "don't worry about me, obanai-san," y/n said happily. "besides, kaburamaru is with me," she rested her head on his shoulder fondly. "hm," he hummed silently before hesitantly wrapping his arms around y/n, bringing her closer to him. after a while, y/n fell asleep on him as obanai smiled warmly down at her, kaburamaru smiled at y/n as obanai closed his mismatched eyes and fell asleep, sitting still as he let y/n slept on him. 

y/n's eyes slowly fluttered open as she sat up and stretched. "oh, i see that you're awake," obanai hissed pleasingly with a smile. "obanai-san," y/n smiled brightly at him. somehow, she could have her hearing increased without having the ability to see. 

"is kabu-san asleep?" y/n asked. "yes, yes he is," obanai nodded before holding her hand. "it's getting late," obanai remarked. "we should get you showered up," obanai smiled before he stood up from the wooden engawa and dragged the blind girl up to her feet. she stood up before obanai guided her inside the estate. 

"thank you, obanai-kun! you're such an amazing friend," y/n chirped happily before obanai just smiled sadly at her. y/n was lead into the bathroom as obanai took of his sandals and socks before stepping inside the bathroom. y/n took off her kimono, it wasn't his first time seeing her naked, after all, obanai helped her bathe ever since they resided in the flame estate, yet he couldn't help but blush a bit. he stepped to her back and gently unwrap her bandages  as it fall gracefully to the floor. 

y/n heard the water flowing nicely as she reached her hand towards the bath before slowly entering the warm bath, then letting her sit on the bath, she sunk her whole body down in the warm water. obanai grabbed the shampoo before giving it to her. "this is the shampoo," he said, looking away, trying to avoid looking too much at y/n. y/n took the bottle in her hands and smiled. "thank you," she grinned happily, though obanai was looking away, he blushed bright red. y/n squirted out the shampoo on to her hand before gently scrubbing her hair. 

obanai watched her cautiously bathing as he made sure that she wasn't hurt or anything. after bathing, he helped her dry her hair and her body as y/n blushed bright red, she was hyperventilating, despite him doing this thousands of times. she felt her heart thumping loudly. obanai then grab a kimono before helping her wearing it.

obanai then silently draped a purple haori over her black kimono and smiled at y/n. "all done," obanai grinned as kaburamaru hissed pleasingly. "thank you.. obanai," y/n smiled silently. "i don't know what i'd do without you," she said sheepishly. "take it as a payment," obanai smiled. "payment for what?" y/n asked, tilting her head. "for keeping your promise."

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