✦ | Love Letters

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fem! giyuu x male!readerrequested by 

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fem! giyuu x male!reader
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Y/N FINISHED writing on a piece of paper as he folded the paper and placed it inside the envelope and gave it to his crow. "to the water estate, please," y/n smiled kindly at the crow as the crow nodded before grabbing the envelope and flying away , out of the open window.

l/n y/n was no one special, really, all he does all day is complete his missions, train with the infamous tomioka giyuu, and sleep all day. he was a student of tomioka giyuu herself, and during his time of training with her, he had managed to fell head over heels with the water pillar.

every single day, he would anonymously send a letter to the water hashira, all of them were just love letters that were written beautifully and skilfully, complimenting the water hashiras in so many ways that even giyuu herself felt like slowly falling in love with the anonymous sender.

she had, of course, told her comrade, kocho shinobu about it and the insect breather would just tease her all the time that it would drive giyuu nuts. "oh my, oh my, look at that!" shinobu cooed happily at the sight of the familiar crow. giyuu felt her cheeks reddened as shinobu poked her teasingly. giyuu's emotionless face shifted into a rather flustered one at the sight of a new envelope as she grabbed it from the crow's claws. the crow bowed politely at the water hashira and the insect hashira before flying away.

shinobu snatched the letter as giyuu yelped. "give that back," she said threateningly as shinobu shook her head. "no can do! now let's see, hm.." she hummed as giyuu aimed to get the letter but shinobu dodged her swiftly as she teared open the envelope and scan through its content before throwing it to giyuu's face. "look at you, having a lovey-dovey secret admirer," shinobu said with a small smirk. "honestly, who would like you?" shinobu squinted her purple eyes at the woman.

"you're already unfunny, an eyesore, and hard to decipher," shinobu remarked as an arrow struck on to giyuu's chest. "well... i am liked by people.." she said silently. "clearly the person who sent me likes me," giyuu said proudly. "and has a bad taste," shinobu pointed out with a small giggle as giyuu's eyes twitched in annoyance.

"whatever," giyuu muttered as she looked down at the paper and scanned through the content. she felt her cheeks redenned bright red as she hid her face in the paper and shinobu rolled her eyes with a shake of her head. "honestly, you should follow the crow one day," shinobu suggested. "that way, you'd find out who'd be sending you those letters," shinobu continued. "it's been going on for a whole year now, and i'm sick of waiting for you to search for answers, if you don't have the guts to do so, i'll do it myself," shinobu said with a small smile. giyuu looked up from the paper and squinted her eyes at her. "i'll do it when i have the time," giyuu nodded as shinobu nodded approvingly. "good choice."

after the day passed by quickly, a new day started as the same crow came to the water estate as giyuu was polishing her sword calmly, a letter dropped in front of her view as she remembered what shinobu told her to do. she quickly sheathed her blade inside her scabbard and grabbed the note. the crow watched her intently as she gazed at the crow. "lead me to your master," giyuu commanded. the crow thought a bit before nodding. "follow me then," she cawed before she flew away, giyuu jumped off the engawa and started galloping after the crow.

her heart beat loudly as her cheeks flared red. she was about to meet her secret admirer. the crow stopped flying as it landed on someone's arm. y/n had his arm out, waiting for the crow patiently as he noticed the crow was back. "welcome back, shigarakai," y/n smiled fondly at the crow. giyuu stopped in her tracks when her eyes widened in surprise. it was him, it was him all along.

"y/n?" giyuu said with her cheeks reddening. y/n's eyes widened at the voice of giyuu as he turned around to meet giyuu, alarmed. "giyuu? do you need anything?" y/n asked as he tried to think positive; such as her just looking for him to train. "you're the one who's been sending me all the letters?" she asked with blue eyes that had a sparkle of hope. "yes, yes i am, it's just that, i love you, ever since we met, i love you," y/n admitted awkwardly with a blush on his face. he shut his eyes, waiting for his rejection, instead he opened his eyes to be met by giyuu, hugging him tightly. "i love you too." 

[ notes ] :

- sorry if it's bad :")

- sorry if it's bad :")

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