✦ | Fanatical Love

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zenitsu x fem! readertw : yandere, obsessive behaviour, possessiveness, murder, and so on lowercase intended!

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zenitsu x fem! reader
tw : yandere, obsessive behaviour, possessiveness, murder, and so on 
lowercase intended!

HE FOLLOWED HER FIGURE, as she made her way silently back to her estate. his hands were covered in blood as he smiled creepily at the sight of the girl who he was supposedly in love with. the first time he saw her, he fell in love with her, so much to say that he grew a very unhealthy obsession with the girl. 

y/n felt a chill ran down on her spine as she felt like someone was watching her. she grabbed the handle of her sword tightly as she glared at her surroundings, her hair swayed with the gentle wind as she peeked behind her, but there was nothing, though, she knew someone was there. "hello? is there anyone there?" she asked silently as she looked around. 

"i'm here, y/n-chan!" the blonde popped out of the bushes as he stood up and skipped towards y/n. y/n sighed in relief in seeing her boyfriend in her field of view. "ah, it's just you, i thought it was a demon," she said nervously as she then noticed the blood on him. 

"why is there blood on you? are you alright?" y/n asked curiously as zenitsu's amber eyes just glinted under the moonlight. "oh, this isn't my blood!" he exclaimed happily. "it's someone else's, someone who's planning to take my precious y/n away from me," he plainly confessed as y/n's brows furrowed. 

"you're joking. right?" she asked as she grabbed his shoulders and looked into his eyes. 

"are you alright?" she asked with a worried voice. "don't you recognize murata?" he asked, tilting his head innocently. "his blood stains my haori! what a shame!" he exclaimed sadly with a pout before grabbing her arm and leading her away. y/n's eyes widened. "what?! murata? we were just talking earlier, what happened to him? is he okay?" y/n asked, she felt confusion feeling her eyes. 

"oh, he's in such a better place now!" zenitsu cooed as y/n sighed in relief. "the butterfly estate? did he get injured by a demon?" y/n asked as zenitsu shook his head. "by that i meant heaven! he got injured by a demon slayer!" he cooed as he lead the girl to her estate, she wasn't a pillar, whatsoever, but she lived in an estate near the demon slayers headquarters. 

zenitsu led the confused y/n inside as he locked the doors. "what do you mean.. zenitsu?" y/n asked. 

"oh you know, the usual. murdering people is my thing afterall! can you believe that that jerk was crushing on you?" he asked, tilting his head as y/n's brows furrowed, her e/c hues widening. "he was screaming for me to stop as i punctured my sword deep inside his stomach! he screamed in pain as my blade slashed through his muscles and tissues, i continued slashing his whole torso so i could see the absolute mess of him that he was inside!" zenitsu laughed maniacally as his eyes were wide and his eyes twitched. 

"do you really think i'd let you talk to other men other than me?" zenitsu's eyes twitched as his crazed smile fell into a frown at the thought. y/n's eyes widened as tears formed in her e/c hues, her heart felt a pang as her mind fell into a state of panic, she stepped back as zenitsu stepped forward. 

"you were laughing happily, eating happily, talking happily with him, why won't you do that with me?!" zenitsu whined as he stepped forward to the backing girl. "you're crazy!" y/n exclaimed loudly as she felt her back hit against the wooden walls as zenitsu slammed both his arms in either sides of her head. 

she trembled as she grabbed on the handle of her sword. "darling, do you really think you'll kill me?" he whispered into her ears as y/n felt a shiver ran down her spine, tears spilled out as she felt zenitsu's hands gently grabbing her handle of her sword before throwing it away.

 "zenitsu, what has g-gotten into you?" she asked as the thought of murata dead because of her pained her. he quickly leaned down to capture her lips before y/n pushed him away from her. "stay away from me, you monster! i'll tell oyakata-sama about this!" y/n exclaimed loudly as she started running towards the exit as zenitsu gritted his teeth before standing up and running after her. 

"come back here darling! you can't run away from me all the time!" he exclaimed before he took a stance, then he bolted towards her in a fast manner, a huge bolt of thunder was seen behind him as he hugged her from the behind, his blonde hair flew as he furrowed his brows and grit his teeth, seething in anger before the both of them fell on to the ground. the both of them tumbled as y/n groaned in pain before opening her eyes to reveal dark amber eyes looking at her widely. he was on top of her as his arms were pinning her on the ground. 

he held her chin and lifted up to get a better view of her beauty. a small smile came by as he looked crazed and mad. "don't do that again darling, and from now on, you'll be staying locked up in your room, and the only person you're able to see, is me. you won't ever get outside from this estate unless it's with me, got that princess?~" he cooed as the lights flickered, adding dramatically scary essence to the scene. 

"what if it's a no?" y/n asked. "simple. i'll force you too. darling, you got me all up in a fanatical love story." 

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