✦ | I decline

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gyutaro x fem!readerrequested by __MISATO__lowercase!intended 

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gyutaro x fem!reader
requested by __MISATO__

'WHAT A BEAUTY SHE IS,' was all the demon could think of of l/n y/n who wielded a blue blade that indicated she mastered the water breathing. training under the wings of tomioka giyuu, she was his tsuguko, ready to replace him if he was retired. 

an outstanding skill in swordsmanship had managed to bring every demon down with her blue blade in every mission she was assigned with. currently, she was assigned on a mission with her friends, agatsuma zenitsu, kamado tanjiro, and hashibira inosuke, accompanied with the sound hashira, uzui tengen. 

"inosuke!" tanjiro and y/n yelled in alarm. "water breathing, first form, water surface splash!" y/n exclaimed as she leaped towards gyutaro and aimed at his head. 'come on! come on! get through!' y/n thought, but the blade was stuck on his neck. "oo!" gyutaro smiled. "i mind being killed, but if it's by you, then i won't mind," he winked as he held daki's head in his arms. 

the flying obi attacked y/n, tanjiro, and zenitsu all at the same time. "y/n! tanjiro, watch out!" zenitsu yelled, as the three of them were sent flying by the obis. y/n grunted as she could see tanjiro, zenitsu, and her falling to their demise. 'do something!' y/n shut her eyes, but an obi caught her again. its grip tightened tightly around her. 

y/n slowly opened her eyes to reveal that the obi demon grabbed her before she fell to her demise. "are you sure about this?" daki asked gyutaro, her eyes twitching. "i'm sure," gyutaro said. "brother, how low could you stoop to fall in love with such a disgusting looking human," daki asked but her head immediately exploded with gyutaro's mere punch. "don't say that," he grunted.

daki shrieked. "why would you do that? to your own sister?!" her head started forming. "don't insult her, look, she's a beauty, 10/10 just like you," gyutaro smoothly said before daki could only sigh in disbelief and shook her head. "let's go then," she said before the both of them flee from the scene as y/n srtuggled to escape from the bounding obis. 

"y-y/n-san!" tanjiro yelled as he struggled to breathe. the obis started to get tighter the more she moved around as y/n felt like as if her bones were gonna break if this continued on. "loosened up your obi will you? can't you see? she's going to break her bones because of you," gyutaro hissed. 

"let me go! let me go!" y/n screeched as she tried to free herself from the obis. "shut up brat!" daki yelled as she continued leaping into the night. the both of them ran towards a rather dense forest as y/n so wanted to squirm out of the tightening obis. 

they found a small abandoned cottage before gyutaro opened the doors and daki threw the girl inside the cottage. 

"be careful around her!" gyutaro exclaimed with a concerned face. "what?" daki shrugged. y/n gripped on to her sword tightly before it was taken away from her by daki. "stop that," daki said coldly. "my dearest brother over here had taken a liking with you, being the good sister i am, i kidnapped you here."

"my dearest brother here also wanted you to marry him. so, please. take his hand in marriage already will you?" daki asked. y/n looked at them both in utter confusion. there is no way she's marrying a demon, plus, she's already fallen in love with her mentor. 

however, judging them being upper moon 6, the only way is to accept it, or else she meets her fate here, but she would want to prove that she won't betray human kind. "i decline." 

[notes] : 

- so sorry if that's not what you want aaa! i hope you enjoyed it <333

- so sorry if that's not what you want aaa! i hope you enjoyed it <333

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