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giyuu x fem!readerdedicated to raydoesstuff

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giyuu x fem!reader
dedicated to raydoesstuff

"MOMMY!" a child greeted y/n happily. "morning miko-chan," y/n smiled down at the child who was tugging on to her kimono dress as y/n was preparing a lovely breakfast for her family. emiko beamed brightly up at her mother. she was the female version of her grandeur looking husband, tomioka giyuu. 

emiko wrapped her tiny arms around y/n's legs and clung on to her mother tightly. "i'm hungwy!" she exclaimed with a pout, her age was currently 4, and she's still having difficulties on pronouncing 'r's. "breakfast is nearly ready sweetheart, just wait a bit more," y/n said softly as her daughter only nodded, clinging on to y/n like her life depended on it. a familiar figure walked into the kitchen sleepily, his eyebags were visible as he had his figure slumped sleepily. 

"daddy!" the child cheered happily at the sight of the sleepy ravenette. y/n started mixing the ramen inside the pot happily as she felt a familiar figure pressed up against her back, the figure wrapped his arms around her waist as he dug his face in her shoulders. "tired, darling?" y/n asked her husband, her husband only nodded. "then why don't you sleep again?" y/n asked giyuu. giyuu only muttered incoherent noises before he opened his eyes to look at her. 

"you know i can't sleep without you," he said as he kissed her neck before burying his face on her shoulders again. emiko let go of y/n as she stared up at her mother and father. 

her blue round eyes stared up at giyuu who was holding on to y/n. she felt her heart suddenly tore in jealousy. "h-hey! no faiwr! i was with mommy firwst!" she yelled at her dad. giyuu glanced at the small figure before sticking his tongue out playfully and burying his face deeply in her neck. y/n could only feel her face grew and contort to flusteredness at giyuu's burying face on her neck. 

emiko sat down on the ground before she started pouting and crying loudly. "i wanna be with mommy! you're such a cwruel person, stealing mommy away from me," she sobbed loudly as y/n blinked at the child before her expression softened, she gently pushed giyuu away from her before she swooped the small child in her arms as she carried her while continuing to mix the ramen. 

giyuu whined with a small angry pout childishly. "emiko, would you like to stir the ramen for mommy?" y/n asked as she glanced at the child who was holding on to y/n's kimono. emiko beamed and nodded eagerly. y/n chuckled silently as unbeknownst to the both of them, giyuu was silently sulking at the lack of attention. emiko grabbed the spoon before mixing it around gently. y/n then turned to giyuu as she still made sure she held emiko tightly. 

"come here you big baby," y/n said before she chuckled and giyuu immediately ran to y/n and hug her tightly from her back, y/n held on to emiko tightly, nearly loosing balance as giyuu could only hug her tightly, clinging on to her. "mommy, it's done," emiko beamed as y/n quickly turned off the stove and placed emiko down. "now sit in the dinner table, alright?" y/n tilted her head, emiko beamed. "okay!" she exclaimed before scampering off. 

giyuu made small happy noises, now that he could have her for himself. "give me," he said with bright blue eyes. "give you what?" y/n asked as giyuu hugged her tightly from behind, his hands slipped on to hers, his calloused hands touched on her soft ones before entwining it tightly together. "you." 

[ notes ] :

- i hope you feel better with this oneshot, it's the least i could do! make sure to take care of yourself, eat a lot, drink well, make sure not to overwork yourself, do your best, and always keep smiling, and get well soon, i hope your day will be bright and happy ^^

- i hope you feel better with this oneshot, it's the least i could do! make sure to take care of yourself, eat a lot, drink well, make sure not to overwork yourself, do your best, and always keep smiling, and get well soon, i hope your day will be...

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