✦ | Painted with Beauty

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M!Reader x Tamayo 

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M!Reader x Tamayo 

"Y/n-san?" Tamayo asked as she walked into Y/n's room, Y/n's room is surprisingly neat but he had a lot of art supplies. Tamayo and Y/n had been known as a married couple for about four hundred years. "Dear?" Tamayo asked in a small voice as she saw Y/n preparing and propping up a canvas on the canvas stand. 

"Tamayo-san," Y/n noticed her presence. Tamayo hummed as she went over to Y/n. "What are you painting today?" Tamayo asked. "Oh, I was about to get you so that I could draw you," Y/n said calmly. Tamayo smiled. "Me again?" Tamayo asked. "Well, it's been about three days I haven't painted you," Y/n chuckled. "You're just my biggest inspiration," Y/n grinned softly. Tamayo's cheeks blushed red before she broke into a small smile. 

"You are the most beautiful person alive, and I would miss a chance in a lifetime if I didn't paint you," Y/n said as he got up from his stool and made his way to his red wife before dragging her in front of the canvas. "Dear, I didn't know you'd think about me that way--" Tamayo said. "Of course I do," Y/n stopped in his tracks. 

"I always do," Y/n smiled. "Could you do a pose for me?" Y/n asked. Tamayo blinked. "A-ah, sure," Tamayo said nervously before she did an elegant pose. Y/n started sketching on the rough canvas in a fast pace before tracing the outlines with black paint and gracefully painted Tamayo on the canvas  in a very fast pace, he was an expert. "Just a bit of more purple paint," Tamayo heard Y/n murmured. In about ten minutes, he let the paint dry and he tapped the brush onto the glass before placing the brush down before he hopped off his stool and walked towards Tamayo. 

"Dear, can I move now?" Tamayo asked. "Yes, yes," Y/n nodded before Tamayo made her way to Y/n and hugged him around the torso, burying her face deep in Y/n's chest. Y/n chuckled. "What's with you today?" Y/n asked in a low tone. "Just miss you," she whispered, but Y/n heard it loud and clear. Y/n sighed and wrapped his arms around her. "You know.. you're painted with beauty, in both my drawings, and in real life," Y/n said sweetly as Tamayo's face broke into a brilliant shade of magenta, luckily Y/n didn't notice it. 

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𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 ━ 𝑑𝑒𝑚𝑜𝑛 𝑠𝑙𝑎𝑦𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑛𝑒𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑡𝑠 [✓]Where stories live. Discover now