Wakanda Forever

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Chapter 40 "Wakanda Forever"

"I can't believe you Molly; what were you thinking?"

"Arthur, I was thinking about our family and the war ahead of us. That boy is the key and we must have a connection to him if we are to rise above this mess." Molly defended trying to defuse her husband's anger. She had lost Harry Potter once again. Not only that, but the Muggle Armor had worked within the magic fields. There was nothing she could do because they said he was now blood adopted by the Muggle. Who knows how much magic Potter lost now that his blood was mixed with a non-magical.

"That is it Molly! If you want to stay bonded then this summer you are leaving to your Aunt's home with Ron and Ginny tonight." Arthur was fed up with this behavior and if his wife of nearly thirty years couldn't let go of her loyalty to Albus then their marriage was over. Her love for him has died as her obsession with their mentor had doubled since their oldest son started school years ago.

"Arthur, please be reasonable. We are on the verge of war, and we need to ban together behind the headmaster. He and Harry Potter are our only hope to survive and come out of the shadows of the Old Purebloods. Harry Potter needs to see the ways of the light."

"No, you be reasonable. There is no war coming there is only our Family. Now this is your last warning. Will you go willingly for the sake of our marriage and family or I will dissolve our bond this very night. Then you will leave never to darken the doorstep of this house again." Arthur was done being pushed around he was standing up to the crazy infecting his wife and children.

"Fine I'll take Ron and Ginny to my Aunt's for the summer but you will eventually see that I am right to stand with Albus Dumbledore. He is a great man and has our world's best interest at heart. Our name will mean something again." Molly huffed as she left the room. The twins took it as a sign that the coast was clear and came to their father's side.

"Dad you okay?" Fred help Arthur to a chair.

"She's wrong our name does mean something." Gorge stated strongly.

"I know, my sons. You both and your older brothers wear our name proudly. Your mother, along with Ron and Ginny has been ashamed with our name and status. I have done everything in my power to keep this family together and happy but it seems it wasn't enough." The Weasley Patriarch never looked so tired and old as he did right then. Fred and George hated the defeat that seemed to burden their father's shoulders.

"Dad you did everything right!"

"It's Dumbledore who has them under his spell." The twins protested.

"I know boys, and I know that you are working on your own way to survive your last years at Hogwarts. Amelia tells me that you have made a group of friends with her niece. I am very proud of you both. Keep below the headmaster's notice and graduate while we at the ministry try to remove his influence. Amelia and I have been slowly going through each department looking for inconsistency and who was making them. Albus has been sowing his seeds for years to what end we don't know as none of it makes any sense other than to divide us and kill us."

"We know dad,"

"Harry told us."

"We're working to protect Hogwarts."

"We also have developed some stronger skills."

"So we're here to help you whenever you need us." The twins informed their father as to ease some of his worry.

"Then let me say this once and only once my sons. Keep your skills hidden from your Mother and siblings because your mother was right we are at war, but not with You-Know-Who. We are at war with Albus Dumbledore and his many supporters. Constant vigilance if we are to get out of this war alive. Now go to the place you hid yourselves last summer until tomorrow. I will send an owl to you, once I am sure that, your Mother and siblings are gone for the summer."

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