Like Father and Dad, Like Son

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Chapter 30 "Like Father and Dad, Like Son"

It was getting ridiculous the attention he was getting from Ginny and Lockhart. Ginny want him to marry her; while Lockhart want to cash in on his fame as Harry Potter. Harry collapsed on cool Saturday afternoon under the group's usual tree tired and legs sore from the constant running he had to do. Seriously they have been in school only two weeks.

"Running again Lokison?" Malfoy asked flipping the page in his text book while ignoring the extremely rude hand gesture.

"Harry was Ginny chasing you again?" Susan asked worriedly. She conjure a cool rag and placed it on the forehead of the flushed prince.

"Yes. I was helping a new first year of my house because the girls in her dorm stole her shoes and hid them. She didn't let it bother her but I could feel that it did. Luna is a seer so she's a bit exocentric her soul is very pure and gentle but it is bruised by the bullying. Anyways after I helper her and set the girls straight I bumped into Ms. Weasley and she started yelling that I was cheating on her with Luna. I ignored her and started walking away but she kept following me. Eventually I had to run for my life because Butterfingers is down for program upgrades that needed to be installed and Shadow is out hunting. I couldn't use my suit because it's for emergencies only." Harry typed out on Friday.

"Sorry mate."

"We've written to dad."

"But we think that Mum."

"Is intercepting the letters." Fred and George apologized.

"I'll talk to my Godfather about getting you an Asgard trained Owl or maybe an Alfheim Trained one. Their fowl have a sweeter disposition than the Asgard owls. My godfather has a snowy owl named Hedwig and she is very sweet. Nátt is only nice to me and my father as he almost bit my dad's finger off once. Either way their magic will be too strong for any Midgard witch or wizard to intercept or redirect them, plus they only deliver to the intended recipient." Harry tapped out.

"That would be great we'll pay you once we get paying customers."

"No just think of them as Christmas presents the owls will be ready about then. You need to have a secure way to send mail." Harry just smiled and began writing an email to his Godfather about twin owls for the twins, describing his mischievous pair of friends.

"You spoil us Prince Firsty." Fred grinned as he lifted the little Ravenclaw into a hug.

"We'll make you the most awesome prank ever." George said as he sandwiched Harry between him and his twin.

"You guys might want to let him breathe or at least let his feet touch the ground." Susan giggled as the Prince's feet dangled off the ground as he was squished between the brothers.

"So the rumors are true, Malfoy, you are socializing with less than desirable company."

"What do you want Parkinson?" Malfoy rolled his eyes at the pug face girl that was disturbing their afternoon picnic. They had been doing these Saturday lunches since the spring of their first year. All of them enjoyed the peace and quiet away from the castle and other students namely Weasley and now Parkinson. Draco had been lucky that Zabini had not tried to stick his nose into their little group.

"I want to know why you have been ignoring your orders to stick with your own society. Seriously Blood traitors, a Squib, a half blood and a Mud-Blood." Pansy sneered and before she could react the whole group was on their feet and wands out. Shadow emerged from the ForbiddenForest in his large battle form.

"Parkinson, I would watch what you say about my friends." Draco Sneered. "While we have developed our own society we have moved beyond the narrow minded thinking that you still use. In fact our grades speak for themselves. So run a long I do not need your dull wittedness to bring down my own thought process."

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