Damned If You Do, Damned If You Don't

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Chapter 16 "Damned If You Do, Damned If You Don't"

"Meow!" Harry laughed as his beloved Familiar licked his face awake. The sun was not up yet but it was time for morning exercises and training. Harry had been at school for almost two months and developed a routine of sorts. Aunt Tash cautioned him not to stop his training least he slip back into HYDRA mode when he was unaware. He was up before the sun and he would run around the castle two times before running a make shift obstacle course.

Shadow waited patiently as his master got up and dressed. He was on guard because his master had jealous room mates. Twice the one called Boot tried to mess with his things and even tried stealing Friday while Harry was sleeping. Boot got a nasty shock from Friday before a loud alarm sounded waking up Harry. Shadow had been out hunting and missed the action upon his returned he felt his master had been upset. Since then Shadow was more protective of his wizard.

"Come on Shadow let's go."

Harry yawned making his way out of the tower. He thought about the last two months of school. His grades were the highest in their year and while he did not flaunt his intelligence there was a certain witch whole was jealous of his grades. The Gryffindor Granger did not believe he was as smart as his grades claimed. She was under the misconception that since he had a disability then he must not be as smart as others. Either that or she couldn't believe someone else was smarter than her. This world was filled with spite and jealousy. Then there were the spies/pawns that have haunting his every step, Weasley more than Malfoy. Weasley tended to corner him after shared classes and during their lunch breaks. Malfoy silently watched him and would pop up at random times with random questions or statements.

"You are up early Mr. Lokison."

"Professor Snape surprised to see you up this early." Harry typed out on Friday as Shadow rubbed up against the Potion Master's leg.

"I am often up early gather potion ingredients. I am impressed with your essays and work in the labs. Unfortunately I can not express that in your class the Headmaster is always watching. Which brings me to why I am here, now. I over heard him speaking to Hagrid about retrieving something from the bank and bring it here. The Headmaster complained about a delay in plans and that he must press on."

"Professor, do you think that Dumbledore still believes that he is my guardian?"

"I do. You are not like these dunderheads, you actually have a brain between your ears, but that makes you dangerous in the eyes of Albus. I believe he is deluding himself that he is still in control of you. I must go before I am missed at the head table. I do not know when I will be able to speak freely again so keep on guard Mr. Lokison." Snape nodded his head to the young wizard and left. He had warned the child as he promised Kingsley but now he had to keep his distance because Albus had been keeping a sharp eye on the boy.

"Master Harry, you have twenty minutes to get to breakfast."

"Thanks Friday. Guess it time to start another day."

"You also have tea with Professor Flitwick to discuss you last paper and the Asgard references."

"I forgot about that. Okay Friday send a message to my Uncle Tony and tell him I won't be able to write tonight it's the Halloween Feast. The twins say it's going to be a feast of candy ghost stories."

"Of course sir." Friday noted and Harry returned to the castle just as the sun broke the horizon.


"Your Majesty, we have done a security sweep there is no sign of the intruder or any magical signature."

"Thank you Ingram." Jareth dismissed the goblin. As soon as his assistant was gone he turned to his companion. "Well it looks like the Fool has begun his game."

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