Some Shadows Should Stay in the Dark

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Chapter 52 "Some Shadows Should Stay in the Dark"

"Next year Our Lord will return. Now we need to work hard securing our spies in key positions inside the government. The ministry has been going through changes thanks to the new Minister Bones."

"That's your fault Malfoy. It was your job to had control of the Minister and the Ministry. What happened with the elections?" Mc Nair snarled.

"What happened was Fudge is an idiot and let his mouth run him out of office. There is only so much I can do. The Laws were changed to give everyone voting right not just purebloods of status. If I bought every vote to keep the fool in office I would not have a fortune left. What we need are smarter spies, not just stupid lackeys. Speaking of Intelligent spies, Severus what news do you bring from Hogwarts?"

"Not much I'm afraid but Auror Shacklebolt has captured Pettigrew in Hogsmeade. What I want to know is where has he been hiding and who has been feeding the rat because they left him to be exposed and caught." Severus made a show of anger and distaste.

"I don't know but it was not I, as I have more important things to see to. For instance Snape where is my Son? I have not heard from him since January." Lord Nott spat at the Potion Master.

"Maybe if you didn't leave him on Death's door then I am sure he would be inclined to write more often. I managed to keep the boy alive and he made it through exams, then your son left on the Hogwarts' express at the start of Spring Break after that I do not know where he went."

"It looks like your promised follower of our Lord has runaway. Your Blood is weak Nott and you have nothing to offer the Dark lord when he returns." Mc Nair was smug because his son would be graduating and ready to sever Voldemort upon his arrival.

"It was my Father's fault for making me marry the bloody Hufflepuff. I wanted nothing to do with the whiny bitch but, my father wanted her fortune. I am looking for a Proper wife to bare me a worthy heir. Malfoy is stuck with his heir and if he kills his wife too soon all her dowry fortune goes back to the Black vaults and in the hands of the Half-Blood Potter."

"You should mind your own fortune Nott. I know that you haven't reported the death of your wife and the goblins still refuse you entry into the Mathew Family vaults. My issues will be handled in time but I don't have to worry as the Malfoy Fortune is well endowed can you say the same for the Nott Fortune?" The Blond Pureblood gave a cat like grin sharp and feral.

"Yes, thank you both for the Wand competition Lord Malfoy, Lord Nott, but can we get back to the issue at hand, the plans for our Lord's return? I need to know what potions need to be made and who will be there to greet our Lord when the time comes?" Snape rolled his eyes getting these idiots to stay on task was bloody exhausting.

"I have the rituals written down but we are nowhere finished gathering ingredients together because they call for rare herbs and we needs the Potter Boy's blood. I have sent Crabbe and Goyle to get what can be found and I shall gather the more difficult ingredients." Malfoy explained ignoring the nasty looks that Nott was giving him.

"Then all that is left is to insure Hogwarts is to host the Tri Wizard Tournament. That Falls to Malfoy if he still has influence in the Ministry to approve it and Snape to get the Headmaster to agree to it." Mc Nair nodded liking how plans were coming together.

"The Headmaster is mad out of his head but it shouldn't be too hard to get him to agree. He seems to like throwing Potter in to dangerous situations." Snape conceded.

"I have great influence over Ludo Bagman the head of The Department of Magical Games and Sport. He has confirmed that we will be hosting the Quidditch World Cup. This will be perfect chance to send a Message that we will no longer hide in the shadows." Lucius gave a sharp predatorily grin at the thought of all the Mud-bloods scurrying around like helpless mice.

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