A Time To Prepare

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Chapter 60 "A Time to Prepare"

Attention Gentle Readers, Do I have a scoop for you. The Tri-Wizard Tournament has just completed its Second Task. While it was disappointing that Our Hero the former Harry Potter now Prince Haraldr of Asgard didn't win first place, he did on the other hand earned Forty-five points for a magnificent display of his moral fiber.

I wish I could say that the young Prince of Asgard has found his true love to help him see how much we need him to protect our world, but alas there is no one. His hostage to retrieve from the lake was Luna Lovegood his fellow Ravenclaw housemate. Apparently the two have formal a Brother and sisterly bond which is sweet but not what our hero needs. He has been seen with several girls from all different houses but none seem to have caught his eye. I have heard that there is a possible engagement for the young prince and that the lucky young lady is Ginevra Weasley the daughter of Ministry Worker Arthur Weasley head of Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office. A very promising witch from a noble family of the Light would be a great match for His Royal Highness. I have yet to get a conformation from the Prince himself as he is guarded by the Captain of the Guard of Jotunheim denying all the chance for an interview. But fear not My Readers I will be back with more on this development as more facts come in..."

"Oh seriously, that vile woman and her lies! Why didn't Harry's spell work on her?" Hermione shouted tossing the paper to the floor.

"Because Granger, she wasn't telling lies but reporting on a rumor she truthfully heard. Since she did not say it was a known fact, she is exempt from the spell's punishment." Sighed Draco as he picked up the paper before scanning the article. "Well at least she did report the scores of all the Champions but that is all she wrote about the Task."

"Of course Draco Darling they aren't as news worthy as our dear Haraldr." Daphne snickered as she set the table for brunch.

"So this reporter is like a bard but she tells her story on parchment?" Frodo asked as he pushed the food cart in followed by Harry carrying pitchers of Milk and Juice.

"You could say that but I don't think Hermione considers Skeeter's stories to be truthful news but rather artful lies." Susan explained waving her wand over the silver bell on the pedestal by the door. It was spelled that only those of MAGIC could hear it ring to call them to Meals.

"Oh I thought all bards couldn't lie because then it distorts the history of the realm." The Halfing was confused by the way things differed on Midgard compared to Alfheim.

"I wish that was true but she lies to make a profit by selling more news papers." Hermione explained with as much as distain in her voice. "Her lies do nothing to keep people informed on serious matters that could actually affect them."

"Alright who has riled me beautiful Lioness?" Fred asked sitting down next to his beloved girlfriend.

"Just Rita and her dazzling report of the Second Task, please pass the Pumpkin Juice George Darling." Daphne answered giving her beau a sweet smile as he poured her drink.

"Of course my, Love. So what is on the agenda toady?" George sat next to Daphne and filled his own glass.

"The Plan is to look into our current DADA Professor. Something is off with him but I am not sure what. I ran into him one early morning and he was wandering around the dungeons looking for something. He is also too interested in my participation in the Tournament. He said that he knew my Barer James and that he mentored him but I will have to confirm it with someone who was in the Aurors at the same time as my dad James." Harry answered as he enjoyed a fresh cinnamon roll. The young Prince had been thinking about a lot of things since meeting Vision in the lake. He knew that Thanos was a major threat to all Universes but more over was a threat to his Dad Tony. He knew that his dad Tony may seem self-centered and uncaring to those around them but his dad had a big heart and would sacrifice himself to save the realms and beyond. So now Harry had a chance to change that and save his dad from that terrible fate, thanks to his Brother from another Multi-verse. These thought though would have to ne put on the back burner for now he had to focus on this stupid Tournament and the Crazy bastard who was in charge.

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