Chase the Rats! Go Cats!

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Chapter 51 "Chase the Rats, Go Cats!"

"King Odin this is unacceptable. We came here with the promise of Peace." The Dwarf ambassador ranted.

"Oh do shut up Gimli. We all knew there was a chance this might happen. King Eitri even sent you with the latest in armor and weapons to detour those who might try and attack; did he not?" Jareth rolled his eyes. The dwarf huffed as he knew the Goblin King was right and could not argue.

"In each realm there are those who look upon these games of peace as the downfall of us all that will lead to Ragnarok. If we let them disrupt this summit then it will be the end of peace as we know it." Odin said his voice carrying over the delegates. "Who ever set the attack upon our warriors had a powerful mage on their side as they hid themselves from Heimdall sight. Loki, you and The Sorcerer Supreme have news of the magic user?"

"Yes All Father. I wish I could say for certain the origin of the seidr user but I can not because they are not working alone. I believe there is a shared alliance among the saboteurs as they are from different realms. There was Jotun seidr protecting the bag, Elvin Mage's medallions, Dwarven weapons as well as Vanir herbs and potions left in the bag by a spy." Loki stood from his seat next to his father's throne to address the room. It was then that Tony brought in the bag Peter found by Harry's crushed tent.

"This is the bag we found. Like Loki said it was left by the spy who was targeting our son. Along with the supplies for sabotage we found maps of the training grounds and markers where the tents are set up." The Prince Consort glared throwing the bag on the table Loki had conjured for the meeting.

"Man of Iron, were there any were there any other clues to the culprits?" Helblindi asked.

"No, but it does not mean that they have given up either. My Son is the most important being in the universe and there is many who would like to see him dead so we his family will be watching everyone more closely." Tony stated giving all the representatives a glare that said he meant business.

"Oh and what could a mortal against those of superior beings?" Thranduil said haughtily. The King of the Elves of the Woods of Alfheim was sent down after Jareth's mother sent word of the attack. Alfheim was divided in to four territories all falling under different seasons The Woods were the elves of Fall, The Waters were Summer elves, The Cliffs were the elves of Winter and the Shire were where the Halflings dwelled was the land of Spring. Each land had a King and the four rulers decided one of them should go and investigate Thranduil volunteered to go as he took the attack as a great insult to Alfheim. Bilbo the King of the Halflings was volunteered by Freyr of the King of the Waters for support. More like diplomatic sacrificial lamb if needed as Bilbo was often over looked due to his size.

"Thranduil these are the Midgardians that defeated a Chitauri Hive. That is no easy task as well you know." Bilbo piped up ignoring the look of distain from his fellow King. "All Father Odin what can we do to help protect everyone in these games?"

"I believe my son Loki had some ideas. My son, please bring forth your plan."

"Thank you All Father. I believe that we can work together and flush out the spies if not we can turn the tables. My Son has two in his group that are very cunning and The Widow and Hawkeye of the Avengers who have espionage experience and can work with your chosen to root them out. These attacks affect the games, which mean it affects us all. We should all work together to bring the traitors in." Loki stated earning a range of looks from understanding to death glares from the delegates.

"I agree. We should each choose among our people who we trust to find these traitors. I offer Krillan for Jotunheim." Helblindi stated and his warrior stepped forward.

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