Never Split the Party

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Chapter 35 "Never Split the Party"

"Boss, there has been no sign of Stark's son. It also seems that Loki has survived the attack on the Scotland manor."

"Damn! I guess it is harder to kill a god then I thought. Well, then we are going to have to chip away at his little extended family. It's too soon to go after Barnes and Rogers after what happened in Africa so let's see if we can catch a little birdie while trapping the spider that always follows him." He wanted Tony stark to suffer bit by bit until he was a wither mass of blood and guts. He shuffled the files in front of him and picked up the two he was looking for then turned to his closest subordinate. "You, take care of it and bring them in alive. I want you to make sure Stark knows this is his fault. Have them interrogated and document everything for Iron Man's viewing pleasure."

"Yes Sir." The underling grinned taking the file.

"The rest of you find Starks son! I want that boy in a cell by the end of the month. I don't care how you do it just get it done."

"Yes Sir!" the group said in unison before scurrying out of the room. Their Leader was pissed and no one wanted to deal with that mood.

"Are you sure you want to go after the boy? He's well protected right now where ever Stark is hiding him."

"Oh, and what do you suggest? You have been closed lipped lately being hold up in your lab all the time."

"There is a reason you recruited me, and it wasn't because I blindly follow orders. I have a brain and I know how to put it to good use. Leave the boy alone until summer. It's obvious that they bring him home to New York during the summer break. Stark's kid is just like any other and he'll grow bored of being under lockdown twenty-four seven. He'll sneak out and that's when you grab him. When you do grab the kid remember that Loki will likely be able to find him. So I suggest you put the boy levels below the ground make it more difficult for him to be found."

"I see your point. Fine I'll leave the boy's capture to you. If you can manage that then we'll work on the means to kill a God."

"Of course sir."


"Are you sure Zabini is telling the truth? I mean it seems very sudden that he is seeking your help." Hermione asked as she served herself more curry. MAGIC's Saturday Lunch had been moved indoors due to weather conditions. Really Harry was the only one able to handle a picnic in the snow. They found an old small dining hall that hadn't been used in centuries. Harry believed it must have been used by the founders and the staff of old. The group cleaned it up and added extra enchantments to keep out intruders. Not only was it a great place for their luncheons but it made a great meeting place to plan out how to counter outside forces.

"So far my sources confirm the Death Eater movements." Harry stated helping himself to more na'an bread.

"I can confirm with Lokison. My Father is deep in these planned persuasions." Draco agreed in between bites of Thai food.

"Are we going to help him Harry?"

"Yes, Hermione, but we are not going to trust him. We don't have that much information on him or where his loyalties lie. Our job is to help and save as many victims and innocence in this war." Harry made clear.

"Well, whatever his motives, his first priority is his mother's safety. I agree with Harry we should help Lady Zabini. The Italian Wizarding World is very kind and caring to those seeking asylum from hostile nations. Sadly England has now fallen under that category. My Father has written to me that he has taken Mother to the Orient for their protection." Daphne sighed.

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