The Test of Heroes

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Chapter 24 "The Test of Heroes"

Spring Break had awesome. He spent a week with his parents in Scotland two days with Uncle Steve and Bucky and the rest of the time in Asgard planning his Parents' Wedding. Hela was less than pleased with the news but she accepted it. She did however made it a point to remind Tony that she was always watching him ready to send him to the afterlife should he fuck up. Harry reassured his dad that Aunt Hela won't harm him because it would make his father sad. He was tired but refreshed when returned to school; life seemed to be back on track. He was focused on his school work and ending his first year of Hogwarts. Butterfingers had been a big help with keeping him organized and his living and work spaces clean. He also help with transportation to classes Harry was never late to another class.

"Stay after class Mr. Lokison I want to discuss this failure of a paper." Snape said at the end of potions.

"Yes sir."

"Lokison got held back again." Boot snickered to Corner as the packed up their supplies. The smug Ravenclaw didn't make it far before he fell face first on to the stone floor. "What? Who tied my shoe laces together?!"

"Ten Points from Ravenclaw for causing a disturbance. Now get out of my classroom." Snape snapped. That scared Michael Corner in dragging his friend out of the classroom. Once the two were out of the room Butterfingers slammed the door after them. Harry just silently laughed at the bot's antics as he sealed the room in a silencing spell.

"I should take points for allowing that Muggle contraption to attack other students."

"Butterfingers didn't attack per-say but he is just protective of me. He hates it when Boot insults me. So you needed to speak with me?"

"Yes. As you know nothing was wrong with your paper. I marked it down to give a show that I am not favoring you but the grade book shows your proper grade. No one see those except the school board when filing the final grade. Now what I wanted to talk to you about is the headmaster's quietness. He has not called me to the office since the winter holidays and that can be dangerous as he has been having more meetings with Quirrell increase and the man seems more disturb after every meeting. He carries the heavy feel of dark magic on him I fear for the students' safety. It has something to do with that test the Headmaster has set up on the third floor."

"Yes, it was an interesting little test hardly worth the time and effort. But I do commend the teachers for the creativity. I believe your test was the only one that required me to actually think. You need not worry about the stone any more; I have returned it to Gringotts." Harry typed out with a bored look on his face not noticing the Potion Master's gob smack expression. "I'll keep an eye on the DADA professor, but I have something more important to talk to about. It's about Malfoy and getting him away from Lord Malfoy."

"You are concerned about Mr. Malfoy? Why?"

"Despite trying to keep my distance with everyone at this place I seem to gathered friends, Malfoy being one of them. From what I have been told Lord Malfoy has been becoming darker. Malfoy is concerned he will be changed to fit his father's ideals over the summer. I spoke to my Aunt and I can protect his mind but even a shield can break if there is enough pressure."

"I see. Then I shall write to Lucius and tell him I will tutor Draco over the summer. He has been asking that I take Draco for awhile because he feels that his heir is not meeting Malfoy Standards. Since Draco is my godson he thinks I can improve the boy's scores."

"That man is just is just as insane as the Headmaster. Malfoy is a very intelligent Slytherin. Had I had not the training I had before coming here I can promise you my grades would not be as high as they are. I probably would be just below Malfoy's. If you do take him in for the summer you won't mind him having a little Muggle tech would you?"

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