Chapter 39 "Trains, Arenas, Then Off to Wakanda"
"He is stronger than you. He passed the test."
"He got lucky calling down the gods of his false family." Albus sneered as he stood by the fire. "Next year I will have the advantage and there will be no hope but to be under my control."
"You said the same thing to your brother and sister and look what happen. You sister is dead and your brother runs a tavern with a bad reputation."
"They should have listened to me." Albus snapped.
"If they did then, I would have been ruling the world with them at my side and you would be dead."
"You would have never ruled without me. I had your heart in my hand."
"You did but I knew that I was just as strong without you. Your sister was a great seer and would have been a great asset to my rule. Your brother was a powerful sorcerer and would have made a fine first lieutenant. Our world would have been great instead of dying under hand."
"It is my will that our world has not collapsed. My brother was a fool and did not deserve the powers granted to him. I had to take them from him." Albus snapped.
"What about the children? You know the Muggleborns you expelled or intimidated into leaving this school. You know that they have all died with no magic to fuel their cores. Those born of magic must have magic to live; you can not take it away so selfishly."
"You lie, Aberforth lives so there in no harm it take what rightfully belongs to me."
"Your brother lives in the village where magic is plentiful it keeps his core alive. The Children you send away die soon after retreating to the Muggle world. You never look beyond your castle."
"Yes, My Castle! Away with you! I will show you and this world that I am the only one who can rule of the wizarding world!" Ablus shouted. The whistle of the Train blew breaking his concentration.
"Headmaster the train has arrived!" Snape called from outside his off door.
"Very well, you may start sending the students down to the station." Albus called back before slumping down in his chair. He was tired two pieces of the soul gone the rest were hidden away safe. He had all summer to plan for next year, starting with the rat. He needed a new pawn for this game.
"So Fred, George how is Ginny doing?" Susan asked while she worked on her knitting project. She recently took up the hobby trying to fight the boredom in the Hospital wing. The MAGIC students sat gathered in on carriage of the train; they were a good hour from King's Cross soon to separate for the summer.
"Better but still full of herself." George rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, even though dad yelled at her for trusting something that she could not see where it kept its brain." Fred added as he played with Shadow on the carriage floor.
"That's tragic." Hermione said watching the red head wrestle the Jinx. "Daphne, how long will you be gone?"
"We'll set sail tomorrow and be gone a month. Then Astoria and I will be sent to live with our grandmother in Whales. This is so we don't miss the start of school."
"I wish mother and I were aloud to sail away. Father has insisted I return home this year. I believe he wants to start training me to be a Death Eater." Draco shivered.
"Is there no way for you to leave; what about Professor Snape?" Hermione asked.
"My Godfather has tried but Lucius is determined since the Basilisk failed."

Child of Silence
FanfictionHarry was sold to HYDRA when he was Five years old and was cellmates with Bucky Barnes. After Being freed from HYDRA Bucky wants to return to rescue Harry. What does the Future hold for the young wizard and is their really a Prophecy? Evil Dumbledor...