Dementor, Death Bots and Expo, Oh My!

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Chapter 45 "Dementor, Death Bots and Expo, Oh My!"

Dawn was slowly rising and Harry glared at the horizon. He thought he would have more time for his morning exercises but no, classes would start soon. He had managed to avoid those Dementors but it wasn't a permanent solution. He needed a defense against them because he couldn't keep dropping unconscious every time he ran into one.

"Mr. Lokison, I thought you would be smart stay indoors with the Dementor roaming about."

"Morning Professor Snape. You know me I can't stay indoors for too long." Harry typed out on Friday.

"Yes I can understand that. I find myself leaving the castle just for a reprieve from certain annoyances." Snape had acquired a shadow in the form of the DADA Professor, since the beginning of school.

"Professor why are the Dementors here?"

"There is rumor that the Dark Lord will come back to England. His followers need extra support so they are freeing those arrested and placed in Azkaban who are also death eaters. They had their first successful prison break a week before the Students returned to school. Peter Pettigrew escaped but it was not as flawless as they hoped. The rat set off as many alarms as he could during the escape. Bare in mind these were not intentional but Pettigrew has always been a clumsy wizard and his grades were average at best. If he was smart he would stay away from the castle at all cost but he never was very bright. I personally do not know why he would come here in the first place."

"He's a coward and a traitor Severus but this is the only place he knows by heart." A voice interrupted. Harry raised an eye brow as he watched his potion Professor rolled his eyes with his back still facing the approaching man. That had to the first and only time he had ever seen Snape make a facial expression.

"Morning Professor Black."

"Good Morning Mr. Lokison, Severus." Regulus smiled cheerfully. "I believe that Pettigrew is here to hide because he wants the safety and the familiarity of the only home he ever truly knew. Peter is technically a Half-Blood his mum was a Squib and father was a muggle who hated him for turning out to be a wizard. When he came here he wedged himself into my brother's circle of friends and tried to be one of the Marauders. So being here would be a comfort to him."

"Thank you for the history lesson and your unfounded theory but what are you doing out here, Black?" Snape sneered.

"Well, since I am the Defense teacher he wants me to do rounds on the castle ground to keep the Dementors away from the castle and the Students. Also my theory is not unfounded Sirius would tell me everything and complained on how needy Peter was."

"Excuse me Professor is that possible to drive off Dementors?" Harry asked trying to stop the brewing argument between the two former Slytherins.

"Yes, in our study of the dark creatures we can defend against them but they do not die."

"Of course not mortal they are soul reapers." A voice sneered drawing their attention of the three male. Harry couldn't stop the bright smile that lit up his face.

"Excuse me Madame, how did you get on the castle grounds?"

"Shut up Black, before you embarrass yourself further." Snape hissed elbowing the younger man in the gut to shut up. "This is Mr. Lokison's Aunt Hela the Goddess of Death." pinched his nose embarrassed by association. Regulus snapped his mouth shut and his eyes widened.

"Aunt Hela!" Harry opened his locket before running into the arms of the Goddess.

"Hello my adorable nephew." Hela smiled holding the boy close ignoring the mortals. She was never one to express happiness or joy but when Haraldr came in her life she couldn't stop showing the love and joy she had for the boy. "I would have been here sooner but my work has kept me busy."

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