Mind Over Matter

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Chapter 17 "Mind Over Matter"

After the Troll encounter Granger had been popping up whenever he was at the Library for inopportune study sessions. Malfoy sometimes popped up to join them as well. When the three top students start studying together people start to notice. The Professors were surprised to see a jump in their grades to where even Snape couldn't dock points for cheating. He didn't want to admit it but he enjoyed the company of equally intelligent individuals. It was a shaky truce between the houses. There also was a certain lion that did not like the little unofficial friend group and had been very vocal about it.

"Oi! Potter!" Harry had been walking back from dinner when he heard his old name called.

"My Name is Lokison, Weasley." Harry tapped out on Friday.

"Your name is Potter everyone knows it, why dishonor your dad by dropping his name?" Ron asked angrily. Nothing had been going right for him since the start of school. He was tasked with bring the boy-who-lived to the side of the light. Potter was suppose be lost on the train platform where he would bump into him and show him the ways of the wizarding world. It should have been easy but Harry Potter was not following the script. Potter wasn't going by the name Potter and he was way smarter than Ron was lead to believe. Now not only was Potter in Ravenclaw he was friends with Malfoy and the Know-it-all from his house. The fact that the buck tooth brain made friends with the boy-who-lived and he didn't pissed him off evenmore.

"I don't dishonor my dad I lay him to rest and I honor my other parent."

"Your mom was killed the night your dad was, whoever told you that they were your parent is lying to you." Ron snapped. Dumbledore told him that Harry was confused and lied to about his true parents.

"Weasley, you don't know what you are talking about. Lily was my Step-mother; my dad never hid that fact from me. My Blood line has been verified by the Goblins who sent it to Ministry. For the record my Family is none of your business or anybody else's for that matter. Now why do you keep following me? I like my house I don't want to change it so stop trying to get me resorted."

"You were meant for better things then being a bookworm Ravenclaw. Gryffindor is the house for heroes and you are the hero of our world. You need to show our world you are still the symbol of the light. You need to stop hang out with Malfoy, he's from a dark family and he'll turn you dark too."

"Weasley, I am no hero. I just want to be a student like everyone else. I can hang out with whoever I want. All we do is study." Harry was getting tired with the lion's constant ramblings and pressuring him into the hero of the light.

"You are a hero; why are you fighting this?"

"Because I'm not hero. Whatever happened when my Dad and Stepmother died was long ago and has nothing to do with me. I was fifteen months old when it happened I have no memory of that night. I've put them to rest and my other Parent and my Stepfather are my family now and I am trying to make them proud with keeping up with my studies." Keeping his Parents safe from Dumbledore was his top Priority. While he didn't hide his heritage any more he wasn't going offer them up to the Mad Wizard on a silver platter.


"That's enough Ron!" Fred appeared behind Harry with Shadow growling at his heels.

"We told you to back off." George appeared behind Ron. Both twins sported angry expressions.

"Fred, George, why are you butting in? I got this; I almost got him to agree to being resorted." Ron argued.

"No you haven't I'm happy being a Ravenclaw, and I am not going to be ordered around." Harry was losing his patience with the Gryffindor.

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