Welcome to the Matrix

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Chapter 31 "Welcome to the Matrix"

"Anthony, will you stand still!" Loki snapped as he tried to take measurements for the Asgardian tailor. They had a different system for measurements so the god had to use a tape measure he brought from Asgard after his own fitting. His lover was squirming around like a puppy and not letting him get an accurate count.

"I can't help it you seem to find all my sensitive areas." Tony muttered in the god's ear causing a slight shiver in his lover's body.

"We can explore those sensitive spots later in bed." The god whispered huskily. "Right now I need to take these measurements for our wedding clothes."

"I like when you say our wedding." The genius got a dreamy look on his face.

"Our wedding won't be happening if you don't stand still because I will not have you standing there naked for all of Asgard to see. Now stop moving."

"Yeah Tones, listen to your husband." Voice called out as they entered the living room.

"Platypus!" Tony jumped off the stool and ran to hug his life long best friend.

"Thank you Rhodes, now I'll never get him measured." Loki huffed.

"Sorry Loki. He's like a big kid just take something away to get him to stand still."

"I am not a big Kid." Tony pouted.

"Yes you are Anthony. Now let me finish or I will be taking more than your dessert away." Emerald eyes glared at the chocolate brown ones.

"Fine! So Rhodey what brings you to our neck of the woods?" The genius asked standing back on the stool to let his lover measure him. He was now half pouting and half glad to see his platypus. They had both been really busy of late Tony with the Avengers and his family and Rhodey with his military career. They rarely had time to meet up even for just a cup of coffee.

"Doing routine tour stops with the President. He's meeting with the Queen right now so I thought I would take a few days leave and come over and see what you guys are doing. Then I'll finish up the tour and have time cleared up for your wedding."

"Good then it is fortunate that you are here. I can measure you as well. The wedding party is always dressed in traditional leather armor and colors of Realms which they dwell. Anthony will be in Red with Gold accents and you shall be in Blue with White accents. My parents will be in Gold, Thor will be in Silver with Red accents and I will be in Green with Gold accents." Loki explained as he took Tony's measurements and wrote them down.

"What about Harry?" Rhodey asked taking everything in.

"Our Little Hare-Bear is Champion of the House so he will be performing ceremony in all White Leather Armor." Tony beamed.

"He's twelve! Isn't there and age limit on stuff like that?" Rhodey exclaimed as he took Tony's place on the step stool. This was a total culture shock for him. They were going to a world off planet with strange customs and Children became warriors before they hit puberty.

"No actually, on Asgard anyone can take up the burden of challenge and the victor will be champion of the house until the next house member is declared house champion from taking up the burden of a challenge against the house. We also found out that while getting my mother ordained to perform weddings here on Midgard that Haraldr had gotten ordained as well. He had showed her the process of getting the power of Marrying Midgardians before letting her use the computer. The Internet cares not how old you are as long as you follow procedure. So our marriage will be legal here as well as Asgard. Anthony already applied for our Midgard License and it will be ready by the time we wed." The god of mischief quickly measured the Air Force Colonel before rushing out to send the information to Asgard.

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