Summer Starts with a Plan

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Chapter 54 "Summer Starts With a Plan"

"Full marks again Lokison! Can't you at least get one Dreadful?" Draco complained throwing himself on the picnic blanket in a huff.

"Oh come off it Draco, you know he can't help it that he's a genius. He is the Son of Tony Stark and Loki two of the smartest beings in the Universe." Hermione chided.

"Awe my Little Lioness forgot to include herself in that smarty pants group." Fred smiled giving his new girlfriend a peck on the cheek. After the first attack on the Realm Games Fred did not want to risk dying without telling Hermione how he felt for her. He was on cloud nine after dinner when she said she liked him back. They are going slow but going out ever since they got back.

"Is this what you do every year? You guys sit and compare grades." Nott asked. This was his first lunch with Magic Crew since returning from Asgard. He only came because Luna asked him to join them so sweetly he couldn't say no.

"No Theo, it's not all we talk about. Only Draco and Hermione play up the grades." Susan rolled her eyes. "We all study together but Harry somehow out paces us all."

"Just have a slice of Pizza you'll love it." George said handing the Slytherin a plate with a slice hot and ready.

"This is Muggle food right?" Theo asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes Theodore Dear. You better get use to it. Harry has a very diverse pallet and we have a different take away every week. You're going to enter a whole knew world of flavor." Daphne pointed out allowing George to rest his head on her lap with his own slice of pizza.

"Sorry I'm late; Ron was following me again." Neville apologized sitting down next to Susan.

"I swear he just won't give up; I though he had backed off after we got back from Asgard. I bet Mum wrote him again." Fred complained downing a Pepsi finishing off with a burp.

"Excuse you!"

"Sorry dear." Fred kissed Hermione's hand begging for forgiveness.

"Honestly, alright I forgive you."

"Thanks sweetheart, Merlin I'm going to miss you over the summer." the red head whined laying his head on her lap.

"I know but it's just for the summer." Hermione cooed running her fingers through his soft red hair.

"Is everyone hooking up in this group?" Nott asked watching the couples being all cute.

"You get use to it Nott. Now that the Owls and yearly exams are over they are now free to be as cuddly as they want." Harry thought as he finished off his third pizza.

"Lokison did you hear my Cousin was fired from his post."

"Really why? He's one of the best professors we got."

"Dumbledork wants him as a spy working for the Fried Chicken."

"KFC?" George asked.

"No, the Order of the Phoenix." Susan corrected.

"Oh that, I bet he did it because he has plans for next year since his Dementor plan didn't work this year. He has someone in mind to further his plans along and Lord Black would only hinder those plans." Harry shrugged.

"Speaking of professors, I heard that Professor Snape has given Professor Black permission to owl him." Daphne stated holding out her glass for the house elf to refill her ice tea.

"Oh? Where did you hear that?" Neville snorted.

"Probably when she was sneaking around the Potion lab's open door." Draco rolled his eyes.

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