Dancing with Dragons

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Chapter 58 "Dancing with Dragons"

Jareth had been steaming with anger when he read the story by that witch who tried to fight his godson's truth spell had published. He had been surprise when the powerful spell being cast but felt Haraldr had been perfectly in his rights to make sure this mortal knew who they were dealing with. Alva rubbed against his legs trying to soothe her master's anger but she knew he would calm down when he was ready.

"I am sorry my dear Alva, these mortals are playing with fire and Haraldr is the one who is getting burned." The Goblin King cooed to his beloved familiar giving her a scratch behind the ears.

"Your Majesty you have a visitor. He refuses to remove his cloak or give his name. He says he is the Winter Soldier." Jareth's personal assistant announced entering the throne room.

"Thank you Ingram, show him in. He'll leave through my personal door. Also I am not to be disturbed for two Mortal weeks. I have a feeling that I must travel the Realms real soon."

"Yes your Majesty." The Goblin bowed and left the room. Soon after Ingram left, entered a dark cloaked figure with a black great horned owl on his shoulder.

"We are safe and secure Master Barnes, you may remove your hood. Nátt, why don't you visit Hedwig for a bit?" The King offered and the owl flew to the indoor tree where the snowy owl was preening.

"Thanks, it's a bit crowed today in the Alley and that bird ain't a light weight." Bucky stated pushing back his hood.

"Hmm, it must be the news that our godson is a champion in the tri-wizard tournament. The witches and wizards of England do love their gossip so they are out and about to see who knows what. But enough about them, let's talk about you Master Barnes. You seem to have changed since Asgard; I could feel it when you entered the room." Bi-colored eyes studied the mortal before.

"It's not something I tell people but I've been able to feel Magic since I met Harry at HYDRA and lately it's getting stronger."

"Hmm, I think you have had suppressed magical blood in you. Let's test it shall we?" With and snap of his fingers the Goblin King changed the throne room into his office. He pulled out two sheets of parchment. "Now I need three drops of your blood on both parchments."

"Fine." The soldier offered up his ungloved hand allowing Jareth to prick his finger with the golden needle. As soon as the blood seeped into the papers they began to change. The first page began to shift through colors before settling on red while the other paper began to fill in with names and lines connecting them leading to his own name at the bottom.

"Just as I thought. You, Master Barnes are from a long line of Pure-blood wizards dating way back to the 1700's in Romania. It seems that you great grandmother married a non-magi and her powers were locked away, probably done by her family as a way to keep their magic away from Non-magi mortals. She live a shorten life because of it; a wizard or witch can not live if they can not access their magic. That block was passed down to your father and then you, but I believe your desire to protect Haraldr and exposure to his magic has weakened the curse on your blood. Only time will tell if you be come a full fledge wizard. I suggest you study Haraldr's text books just in case."

"You mean I could have magic like Harry?" Bucky eyes widen with surprise at the idea.

"It is a possibility, tell me have you notice anything different since spending more time in the magical world?"

"Yeah, like when Harry cast that really strong spell. I felt it sting me a bit, but it didn't hurt. Sometimes if I lose something it will appear in my hand and I barely notice it is happening."

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