Chapter 42 "Are We Our Parents?"
"I can't believe that you snuck out in the middle of the night! You could have been kidnapped or kill!" Loki ranted before whirling on to his husband. "This is your fault! Lady Pepper is right you are a bad influence on our son!"
"Hey, I didn't tell him to walk to Queens at two in the morning to get attacked by Mandarin!" Tony held up his hands in defense. The two men had been left with the two boys after the Coulson's debriefing and Pepper's major yelling lecture to all of them.
"Are they always like this?" asked Harry's new friend who changed back into civilian clothes.
"Always. We're going waiting here a while until they remember we exist. Jarvis said your Aunt is on her way and is not too happy either. Does she know that your Spider man?"
"No, and I would like to keep it that way to keep her safe. Being a super hero comes with a lot of danger as you know with your folks being who they are, so I do my best to keep Spider-Man away from Aunt May. I don't know how I'm going to explain this."
"There is nothing to explain Peter Benjamin Parker you are grounded!" a voice coming out of the elevator.
"Aunt May! I..." Peter jumped and ran to the petite woman who was extremely mad and sparking off magic?
"Don't Aunt May, me. Agent Coulson told me everything. You were out there in the dead of night fighting bad guys! You could have been killed." As May's shouting increase so did the sparks until a bit of accidental magic went flying off her hand but Harry blocked it with his magic circle it before they had to replace the microwave again.
"Mrs. Parker, I think that you should calm down before your magic goes haywire again." Harry signed to the now blushing witch.
"What was that? What are you talking about? Magic isn't real." Peter looked around to everyone, but it seemed that they were not surprised by what just happened.
"Mrs. Parker, I believe it is time to tell your nephew the truth and register him with Gringotts." Loki stated as he summoned refreshments for all. Despite it being almost three in the morning they still had a lot to go over.
"I hadn't been to Gringotts since before we brought Peter home." May sighed sitting on the couch.
"Aunt May what's going on?"
"Peter did I ever tell you how I met your Uncle Ben?"
"You said you were on a school field trip."
"It was a trip to England for students who might want to do a four year exchange program. Your Uncle was a First generation Wizard and I am witch descended from one of the Founders of Hogwarts Helga Hufflepuff. My family came to America two generations ago and we attended Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry here in the US. Your Uncle was a year older and was in a different class then me, but we both signed up for the trip. My older brother also went on the trip and end up staying for the four year program to experience how our ancestors were educated. You Uncle Ben and I returned to the states and started a friendship. Eventually we dated then got married. We moved to Queens because you uncle wanted to be close to your parents he had always been close to your father. Even though he and you mom were non-magi we loved you all dearly, but when came to live with us we decided to live a total Magic-Free life only using magic when you were at school to prevent magic build up."
"So does that mean I'm magic too?" Peter asked. His mind was reeling from the information overload.
"I don't think so Peter. You never show any signs of having magic when you were little. So we believed that Ben was the only magical one in the Parker Family." May smiled sadly at the boy who she raised as a son.

Child of Silence
FanfictionHarry was sold to HYDRA when he was Five years old and was cellmates with Bucky Barnes. After Being freed from HYDRA Bucky wants to return to rescue Harry. What does the Future hold for the young wizard and is their really a Prophecy? Evil Dumbledor...