The Fates Make Their Move

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Chapter 33 "The Fates Make Their Move."

"I don't like this Albus. We should send all the children home for the winter Holidays and investigate what is going on."

"Now Minerva, we can't close the School. The children who stay depend on us because they have nowhere else to go." The Headmaster sat behind his desk with a hand stroking his beard in thought.

"Then safety measures should be put in place for those who are staying." Sprout demanded.

"Yes, the Students must be protected at all cost. I have heard back to from King Jareth and he has informed me while there is an Heir to the Slytherin Legacy they are not responsible for the chambers opening. He said that we have a false heir on our hands." Flitwick stated grimly.

"How does the Goblin king know this?" Albus asked with a raised eyebrow.

"There are seals upon the chamber. When Slytherin's sanctuary was open the King was alerted. Fifty years ago an heir opened but as it was a blood relative he could not interfere. This opening was done with just the essence of a Slytherin relative, a false heir. The King will alert the proper Heir and let them decided on the next course of action." Filius stated. The Little half Goblin knew who the true heir was and was not about to let the headmaster know that. The man was being reckless with whatever was let loose in the castle.

"I have gone over the list of those staying over the holidays and it is a fraction of those that stayed last year. I believe parents have heard of the attack on Mr. Fich-Fletchley and those who can are calling their children home." Snape said placing the paper on the desk.

"I see, well this small group should be manageable enough. Why is Mr. Potter not signed up?" The headmaster asked looking at the list.

"Mr. Lokison's parents want him home for the holidays. He is attending his Parents wedding, in his Father's homeland." Flitwick stated sternly with a glare.

"Albus get your head out of the past and focus on the here and now." Minerva snapped. "If we are to stay opened for the Holidays I suggest that the Heads of House stay in the old head's quarters that are in the dorms as added protection measures. With so few students staying it will help us keep a better eye on the students."

"I think that's a wonderful idea. I know I would feel better being closer to my badgers until the threat is over." Pomona agreed.

"Very well, you take care of your houses and I will continue to look into the threat to our students." The headmaster confirmed. "It's late and finals are tomorrow you should all get your rest. Severus can you wait a minute; I need to discuss something with you."

"Yes Headmaster." Snape nodded and sent a look to the other heads of house that said he would talk to them in the morning away from the headmaster. The other teachers said their goodnights and left and Snape desperately wished he could join them.

"Well Severus my boy it looks like Filius didn't wait in his owling the King. On the bright side he can't cause any interference. We must find clues for Potter to find, because only he can protect the castle. As a symbol of the light he is the only one who can fight against the dark. We must find away to keep him here for the winter break."

"That is impossible Headmaster. There is no plausible reason to keep him here. His current guardians will come and take him by force. It will be taken as a declaration of war against Asgard." Snape reasoned.

"I suppose you are correct. Until we can convince Potter that he should denounce his false Parents we must indulge the boy. Has there been any word from Lord Malfoy or any of your other friends?" Albus asked.

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