The Paths We Walk

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Chapter 22 "The Paths We Walk"

"I can't believe that Professor McGonagall is letting us leave School." Neville said in awe. The two first years met after breakfast and were now walking up to Professor Flitwick's office.

"She knows this outing is important." Harry typed out before knocking on the office door.

"Come in." the two entered the office and Gigi jumped down from the air and was rubbing against the little Prince. Harry just smiled and gave her a good scratch behind her ears.

"Hello Professor we're ready to head to Diagon Alley." Neville greeted.

"Good, good, I am ready as well. If you would be so kind Mr. Lokison." The Half Goblin smiled as he fastened clasp of his cloak.

"Of course Professor." Harry signed shooing the jinx off before he slipped on his Sling Ring. Concentrating on Diagon Alley he opened a portal. Neville's eyes were wide in the display of Sorcery. Flitwick nudge the Gryffindor Through the portal before following allowing Harry to bring up the rear and close the portal.

The Trio made their way Through the Alley with little fanfare until the approached the Bank. Harry had shifted to his Asgardian Armor mostly out of habit whenever he visited his godfather. Those in the in the Alley doing shopping noticed the strangely dressed boy and gasped when the guards at Gringotts greeted him.

"Welcome Prince Haraldr, the King is expecting you and your friends." On the guards greeted as they bowed deeply to the young prince. The group was led to the Manager's desk. Gripknott bowed to Harry before leaving to announce their arrival to the King.

"I've never met a king before." Neville whispered hiding behind Harry.

"The King will see you now." Gripknott announced holding the golden doors open.

Harry nodded to the goblin and led his friends into the Thorne room where he found his Master standing with his Godfather and a witch he had never met before. He knew there had been some serious discussion before their arrival and there was bound to be more on his part. He opened his locket to make it easier on everyone.

"Haraldr I'm glad you made it with little trouble." Jareth smiled and embraced the boy. He loved whenever Harry visited because he always brought a breath of fresh air to his cold and calculating Kingdom.

"Hello Godfather, we had not trouble at all. May I introduce my Friend Naville and you remember my head of house Fillius Flitwick." Harry announced after untangling himself from his godfather's arms; Neville and Flitwick bowed deeply in greeting.

"Rise and welcome to my Kingdom. Now, my guests are not strangers to you all; Dr. Strange, Sorcerer Supreme and Lady Augusta Longbottom, Young Neville's grandmother. Lady Longbottom this is my Godson Prince Haraldr Lokison of Asgard and the House of Potter." Jareth finished the introductions.

"Good day Lady Longbottom."

"So you're James' son. You look a bit like him, but you are more mature than he was in his youth." Lady Augusta ran a critical eye over the young prince. "Now, I want to know is how you know that Neville's Magic Core is damaged. Also, what is wrong with his wand? It is a great wand that helped his father become and Auror. If he is to follow in his father's foot steps he will need that wand."

If there was one thing that Harry hated it was people bullying others to be what they didn't want to be. He had enough of that with Lily's sister wanting him to be normal and not a freak. It happened again with HYDRA forcing Bucky and him to do bad things for their evil purposes. Now he was under the constant pressure of the Head Master trying to get him to be the Boy Who Lived. He only just met Lady Lonbottom but he could see the exact pressure that Neville had grown up with. He was not going to let it continue to hurt the gentle Gryffindor.

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