A Robot Adventure

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Chapter 23 "A Robot Adventure"

"Bambi, Sweetie, what are you doing?" Tony asked as the loud noises coming from the lab had woken him up.

"Packing some things for Haraldr. I realized last night that we have been neglecting him and his health since he has begun school. We need correct that immediately."

"Brother where do you want me to put the fruit?" Thor said as carried in two large crates.

"Oh Sparkles when did you get here?" Tony asked as he took a cup of coffee from U.

"Greeting Friend Tony, I came in this morning on the Bi-Frost. Loki sent word to Mother at Haraldr needed better fruit, so here I am. I have brought ten crates." Thor smiled.

"Thor, bring those over here. I am preparing the box now." Loki said as he stood before what looked like a Metal shipping create.

"Honey, how is the vulture supposed to carry that to Harry's school?" the genius questioned as he stared at the box.

"Magic Stark, Natt is an Owl not a Vulture I keep telling you. Now please go get the clothes we bought him yesterday. Thor put the fruit in the box." Loki ordered.

"Yes brother. Shall I bring the others down here as well?"

"No I want you to leave them up there to rot." Loki rolled his eyes. His brother could be the stereo-typical blond. "Yes Thor, bring the crates here! Haraldr is underweight and needs the nutrition."

"What to you mean he's underweight? Bruce said that Harry's weight was fine he's Ninety pounds." Tony was confused by The God's concern.

"Ninety pounds maybe fine for earth children but not for an Asgardian child." Thor supplied.

"Especially one of Jotun blood." Loki added quietly. Tony sighed as much progress as they had made Loki was still ashamed of his Frost Giant heritage. "Haraldr should be at least a hundred and fifty pounds at age eleven."

"And you brother should be at two hundred and seventy five pounds. Dr. Banner told me that you are a hundred pounds underweight." Thor glared at his slender brother.

"And how would the good doctor know my weight."

"Oh I can answer that." Tony jumped in. "The last time you were in the lab we were testing out the floor scale trying to make sure it was calibrated for when the Hulk comes out we wanted to take his measurements for later re-enforcements. Well I tried it out and Bruce tried it, and seemed to be working. We wanted a few more test just to make sure it wasn't a fluke so we asked you to bring down lunch. Then we asked Thor to come down and he weighed in at three hundred and fifty pounds we thought the calibration got screwed up. Thor asked what we were doing on after a brief explanation he informed us that Asgardians were heavier than humans because of their physiology."

"Aye, and they told me your weight when they tested the machine on you. I know you have always been of a lithe frame but seriously brother you are not healthy." The blond said sternly.

"I am fine Thor you have no need to worry." Loki waved off his brother's concern trying to hide his blush.

"Bambi, I think you should listen to your big bro here. I know most of the time you stop eating shortly after I do. I didn't think anything of it until Thor said something." Tony said taking his fiancé's hands in his. "I want you to starting eating more."

"Is that why you have been serving me more food at meals? I thought that you needed glasses like Haraldr. Anthony I am fine, we need to focus on Haraldr he's a growing boy." The prince dropped his lover's hands walked off to where the pile of stuff he was going to send Harry.

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