Eyes, Spies, and Lies

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Coulson and Fury

Harry was sitting in the living room with Shadow on his lap, listening to his Father and Director Fury, argue about him leaving the tower. The two had been going at it for a good ten minutes neither one willing to bend or compromise. It all started because he needed glasses. Since Harry's location was top secret he had to go to the eye doctor at SHIELD headquarters a place where his father was not allowed to go.

"This is not up for debate Loki you are not going to Shield Headquarters!"

"And I told you I am not letting you take my son from my sight!" The two men were standing face to face; one with magic crackling around him the other was reaching for his gun.

"If I may Director Fury, I can watch young Harry and take him to the appointment." Coulson interrupted. No other man would have dared to put himself in the line of fire between the Director of SHIELD whose name just happened to be Fury and an equally angry Norse God. "I have been here several times in the past two weeks and Harry knows me. Also Natasha and Clint will be in the offices today so he'll have added protection."

"That's not a bad idea; is that acceptable to you Loki?" Nick trusted Coulson most out of all his subordinates.

"Yes, Agent Coulson has proved several times his worthiness and he is very honorable. Plus I trust Lady Natasha and Clint more than you. Haraldr, come here please." Loki kept his glare on the Director of SHIELD. Harry placed Shadow on the seat next to him before he quickly made his way to his father's side and looked up to him in question. "Don't worry son, Agent Coulson will be taking you to get your glasses. You do not have to spend time with the one eyed man any longer than necessary."

"Daddy, stop glaring at Uncle Nick, he is nice. I'll be fine with Uncle Phil. I'll be good." Harry rolled his eyes and tapped out on his disc. "Uncle Tony said he'll be home after his meeting soon; so you won't be lonely."

"I do not need that man to keep me entertained. And do not call him 'Uncle' it only encourages him to visit unannounced." Loki muttered hugging his son to his chest. This was the first time he ever left the tower without him. The God of Chaos and Lies would never let anyone know he was terrified to let his son leave where he could not protect him.

"I'll see you later, Dad. I'll be back for dinner. I'm ready to go Uncle Phil, Uncle Nick." Harry wiggled out of his father's arms and took Coulson by the hand.

"He'll be home by five Prince Loki." Agent Coulson nodded and led the child to the elevator. Fury and The God of Chaos shared one more glare before both of them retreated to their respective corners.


"Director Fury, glad you're back these cases need your immediate attention and these need your signature so they can be filed as closed." Agent Carter greeted as the trio stepped off the Elevator in SHIELD's headquarters.

"Okay, I'll read these once I am back in my office but I will not sign off on Grant's case as he still is lacking evidence and there is two hours of surveillance that is unaccounted for." Fury took the offer files and handed the one back to Carter, and then strolled purposely Through the hall.

"Is he always so busy?" Harry asked curiously.

"Yes, he runs SHIELD and has a lot of important things to over see. Come along Harry the Medbay is two floors down but first we need to stop by my office; I need to file some reports." Coulson smiled leading the boy to one of the many offices.

Harry followed Coulson while letting a light layer of magic surround him to keep him alert. He was out of the safety of the tower and his HYDRA training was kicking in. There were a lot of agents milling about and it reminded him of HYDRA, the only difference was that they had different uniforms. Harry stiffened briefly as he felt something not right brush against his magic. He looked around but he didn't see anyone he put it to the back of his mind for now. Coulson stop at a tiny office that looked more like a broom closet.

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