The Long Road to Recovery

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Chapter 5 "The Long Road to Recovery"

When Jarvis informed the group that Harry had awakened all of them wanted to rush to the boy's side. It was Bruce who suggested that Barnes be the first to go see Harry since they had an established relationship. It made sense they didn't want to overwhelm the boy, but the God of Mischief wanted to be close to his son. He followed the former HYDRA agent to the Med bay and observed the two from behind the glass. It was hard for him to watch his son take comfort from the Man of Winter. It should be his arms that Haraldr should seek comfort in. Haraldr was his son, his blood, but did he really deserve the boy's affection. Even if he didn't know James was with child, he still left James and Haraldr to be the obedient son that Odin never acknowledge and constantly compare to others' accomplishments. He should have of told his father to shove it and stayed with James and Harry. This was his real punishment and it hurt more than anything the All-Father could ever bestow on him.

"Hey Reindeer Games, try not to let Frosty get to you. He's the only one Harry knows right now." Tony said as he quietly came to stand next to Loki who had been watching the two figures through the med bay window.

"I know that Stark, doesn't meat that I have to like it."

"No one said you did but never hurts to have someone to talk to."

"Aren't you a little under qualified to be a therapist?" The God snorted.

"I'm a genius I don't need a fancy degree to listen neither does Jarvis. He's had to listen to my crap for years and I am the sane, well adjusted person you see before you." The billionaire smiled.

"You're just as crazy as the rest of them, if not more. Although you do have a bit more brains than Thor; I do not think that I'll be trusting you with my secrets just yet."

"Ah, but you will be trusting me sometime soon, after all we will be moving in together when Harry starts school."

"I am still not completely sold on that idea. This next year is going to be hard enough getting him ready to attend that school, why would I add stress by buying a house with you?" Loki turned to glare at the man beside him.

"Oh, you know that you tolerate me more than the others and after living centuries with Thor, I'll be the best roomy you ever had. Plus Jarvis and I will be able to set up the most awesome workshop for me and a magical Lab for you. Thor said something about you having a hobby of potion making. We'll have more room out in England to explore magic without shorting out the Tower here." Tony said casually turning to see Through the window. Just then they saw Barnes stand up and wave them in.

"We shall see Man of Iron; right now I want to meet my son." Loki dismissed him and left to enter the med bay.


"So, Harry, I take it you are wondering what is going on and where you are?"

"Mr. Barnes I have informed him of our location and that he is not a prisoner." Jarvis explained.

"Yeah, you are not a prisoner. You are safe now here with me and the other Avengers. It will take some getting use to but you are going to love everyone here. You remember I told you about my friend Steve?" Bucky asked Harry, who nodded and began to knock again on the table, this time a tad slower than before.

"Master Harry said 'Yes, I remember. Steve was the boy you had a crush on that died in the war.'" Jarvis translated.

"Yeah, well turns out he's alive." Bucky blushed. He didn't remember telling Harry that he had a crush on Steve. Then again Harry was smart and had made it his survival to study human behavior. "He's an Avenger; his code name is Captain America. He saved me from my mission and helped me to recover and now we're..."

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