I Can Feel the Darkness Upon Me

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. This is just for fun and I hope you enjoy reading it.

Child of Silence

By Angelwings Sorrow

Chapter 48 "I Can Feel the Darkness Upon Me"

The winter break was just what Harry needed to refresh his body mind and heart. They had an awesome New Years party and it was a much needed down time for all of Magic. Daphne flirted with Peter, who wore a constant blush under the attention of the young witch. Malfoy was introduced to the muggle game Twister by Hermione and Fred who were trying to get the Purebloods to try muggle games and pop culture. Luna unfortunately could not make it due to her father's ill health but sent a letter wishing them all well and that she would see them at school. Neville and Susan spent a lot of time in a cozy corner chatting and snuggling. George ended up talking to Clint and Bucky about long range tactics and combat techniques he wanted to get the edge on his twin and maybe their spars wouldn't always end in a tie. All in all a great holiday break.

"What's with the big sigh Harry?" Daphne asked as she and Malfoy sat at empty table with the Ravenclaw. It was another Hogsmeade weekend and the snow was rapidly melting around them leaving Harry to trip and fall into huge slush puddle. He had been wallowing in cold wet misery since he entered the three broomsticks.

"I fought with a puddle and lost. I can't clean up with sorcery because there are too many students around and I haven't studied the house hold charms yet because I have been too focused on offence and defense spells thanks to those warped reapers floating around." Harry typed out on Friday.

"Boys, always thinking of DADA and not enough of the important charms." The Slytherin sighed in exasperation. Daphne waved her wand over the Ravenclaw cleaning his robes and drying him off.

"Thank you, Daphne." Harry sighed in relief as he typed on Friday.

"No Problem my dear fearless leader. When are the others getting here?"

"I just text the Twins and they are rounding everyone up." Draco answered taking a sip of warm butter beer. "We all need to assemble as Zabini said he had something important he wanted to discuss with MAGIC."

"He's supposed to be neutral what does he want?"

"I don't know Greengrass hence the reason we're meeting him. I already arranged a private room once the others get here and Madame Rosmerta will show Zabini in when he gets here at two."


"Uh oh our queen is pouting." George sat next to the Slytherin with the pouting lips.

"Ignore her, she's just in a mood. Granger do you have enough stationary there?" Malfoy asked with a raised eyebrow at the Gryffindor's over stuffed bag from Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop.

"I think so, it might be enough to last me until spring break I'm not sure. After all I have a lot of courses to keep up with." Hermione replied not catching the sarcastic tone to the Slytherin's voice.

"Here you go Mione, I got us some butter beers." Fred placed a mug in front of younger Gryffindor.

"Oi, you forgot your brother!" George squawked.

"You can get your own if you can get through that mess at the bar." Fred smirked.

"Don't worry we got you a butter beer." Susan sighed as she and Neville joined the group with mugs in hand.

"Good you're here, but don't sit I have a private room for us. Wait where is Luna?" Draco stood up with his mug in one hand and shopping in another.

"She said she would be here after whatever the Narggles told her what they were doing or something like that." Fred replied helping Hermione with her shopping.

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