Reunited at Last

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. This is just for fun and I hope you enjoy reading it.

Child of Silence

By Angelwings Sorrow

Chapter 2 "Reunited at Last"

"Well Harry, it looks like they survived. I am disappointed in you. We'll have to work on your powers later for now I shall send out the troops to take care of those Avengers. Come Harry, your power is needed for something else." Dr. List said before he guided the mute boy to the door.

Harry was exhausted. He had channeled so much magic in that shield and he felt drained. Normally he could take out planes and other technology without a problem, but he had to fight to bring that plane down. There was someone with magic on this plane that fought against his own. The Magic was familiar but that was impossible. His family was dead.

He remembered little of his life with his father and Step mother. Lily was a kind woman with long red hair and green eyes. His father was tall and thin with shaggy brown hair and round glasses over his hazel eyes. His father looked sad and would often stare at the night sky. He once asked his dad why he was sad. His father gave him a pained smile and said he missed Harry's other Daddy from the Stars. At the time he was too little to understand but instead just hugged his father trying to make the pain go away.

When the Dark Lord was defeated by an old wizard with a long white beard, he was taken to Lily's family. It seemed no one knew that he had another daddy because they believed him to be the son of Lily and he was forced on her sister who was the only family still alive. His step-aunt hated Magic. She kept him for a while before she found the doctor who paid for people with unique skills. He remembered the day Dr. List came to get him. His Uncle Vernon haggled with the man to get as much money as he could. Eventually he was pulled from cupboard and shoved into the waiting car.

He was frightened when he was brought to the place that looked like a hospital. He started to scream making things exploded as he tried to flee the scary looking people in masks that seemed to want to do him harm. But one of the masked men put a needle in his arm and he was suddenly asleep. When he awoke he was groggy and still tired but he wanted to be away from this place. He called out for help but not one sound came out of his mouth. He began to panic and the lights and machines started to flicker and buzz from his magic. That was when the Doctor had come in to tell him they took his voice and that this was his new home.

Harry cried silent tears but he was looked upon with disgust. He was told emotions would not be tolerated that he was here for the protection of mankind and that he would serve them to take down the evil of the world. Being only five Harry didn't understand what the man wanted all he wanted was to go home even if his Aunt hated him she wouldn't hurt him like this doctor had. As soon as he was well enough he was led to a cell where there was a man that looked to be in pain and hurt. The man had only one arm and seemed to hate the doctor if the glaring looks were anything to go by. They were introduced and he was used against the one armed man as a means to get him to do what the doctor wanted.

The man who he had come to know as Bucky became his friend and protected him the best he could especially when they began combat training trying to get his magic to react. There were times when they would take Bucky away and when he returned Harry could feel the struggle the man's mind would go through. They wanted him to hurt people and do 'Bad' things. Bucky was good and didn't want to do bad things. So Harry would use his magic to soothe Bucky so his head wouldn't hurt any more. This went on for years until the day came for Bucky's first mission. Harry had been in the lab under going test again and the Doctor talked with another man next to his bed thinking he had been asleep.

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