Enemies Seen and Unseen

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. This is just for fun and I hope you enjoy reading it.

Child of Silence

By Angelwings Sorrow

Chapter 50 "Enemies Seen and Unseen"

Dawn of a new day and Reggie was feeling a bit more lonely than he had in years hiding away at Grimmauld Pl. The MAGIC students were all away in Asgard and he was left here to keep watch over the crazy bastard of a headmaster and pine over the love of his life. He knew that he would never find another lover like Severus because he was his soul mate. He cursed his mother for denying him his happiness and whoever framed him for the murder of his fiancé. It was because of them he was now waiting to see if Severus would give him another chance. Rising from his bed he stretched and felt the many pops and creeks in his old bones. Okay he wasn't that old but some days he did feel a hundred years older due to the stress that had been haunting them all.


"Morning Тьма"


"I know it has been a bit quiet without our top students here to busy us with their training but they'll return soon. Well we better get ready for the day we're of no use to anyone if we're being lazy louts." The DADA Professor said heading in to the bathroom for a shower. He went through his normal morning routine and made sure to look his best in case he ran into Severus. He made sure the wards were up and to lock his door before setting off to the Great Hall for breakfast. He made it to the end of the hallway before he saw Shadow and Gigi run by him. He could tell they were chasing something but he couldn't tell what. So he followed the pair of Jinx and found them sitting at a dead end of the hallway.

"So you two have lost your prey. Come along I'm sure the house elves have breakfast for you both."

"Reow," huffed Shadow upset they lost the rat again but his sister butted her head to his as if to say 'Let it go for now we'll get him later.' the Jinx cats fell in step behind the Professor and made it to the hall with out fuss and no sign of their target.

"Good Morning Professor Flitwick."

"Good Morning Regulus. I see you found the daring duo. They ran off as soon as I opened my chamber door." The tiny charms Professor smiled.

"Well I saw them chasing something on my floor but they lost it, once they turned the corner and hit a dead end."

"Yes, yes, they have been chasing something these pass few months but have yet to catch it. I fear Shadow has become quite frustrated at this development."

"I could tell when he just paced the hallway waiting for sign of their prey." Regulus sighed looking down at the cats at his feet.

"They will catch it eventually."

"I don't doubt it but why are they so determined to get this particular prey? Why is it so important?"

"They are cats Black. I hardly think that they are in deep thought about chasing a rat."

"Good Morning Severus. It's nice to see you out of the Potions Lab." the Ravenclaw Professor greeted.

"Good morning Professor Flitwick, I am just here for nourishment I am heading back to the labs after this. Poppy is low on Pepper up Potion. There have been a lot of students down with a cold."

"Severus, that is good you are keeping up with the demand, but did you just say they were chasing a rat?" Regulus asked interrupting the two men.

"Yes Black that is exactly what I said. Why do you care which rodent the cats find amusing?" Snape looked at his former lover with a suspicious gaze. Then he was startled when the man jumped up from his seat.

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