Summer of Change

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Chapter 25 "Summer of Change"

The finals were done and over with and everyone was getting ready to leave for the Summer Holidays. Ron was in a sour mood as he spent three days in the hospital wing recovering from ingesting Draught of the Living Dead. Then his exam scores were barely passing. Nothing was how it should have been or how he had planned it to be. What really got his wand in a knot were his brothers. They had become best friends with Harry Potter and even got cool Muggle phoe-celly things. Even the loser Longbottom got one along with the know-it-all banshee. It just wasn't fair.

"Neville hurry up we're meeting everyone out side by the lake!" Fred shouted popping his head in the first year dorm.

"Coming! I was finishing up with packing my trunk." The Little Lion sealed his trunk with the locking charm that Harry had taught him. It was a new charm because the old one had been broken by Ron looking for anything to use against him and Harry. The Ravenclaw had tailored the new phone to fit his absentmindedness it had a find feature. If he ever misplaced it he could clap in a coded way and it would loudly beep until it was found. Which helped a lot, when a certain Red-headed roommate had tried to steal his phone.

"Are you guys that desperate for friends that you need to befriend the weakest first year in the tower?" Ron sneered at his brother.

"Well Ronniekins, that would not be an accurate statement as we haven't befriend you, you're Family. Nev, here is fine company and a great help in Herbology." Fred grinned. "Now if you'll excuse us we have a meeting to get to."

If looks could kill the two Gryffindors would be dead. Ron watched the two leave, his jealousy boiling at an all time high. It just wasn't fair. He had been so close to becoming a hero and protecting the Sorcerer's Stone only to be taken down by stupid potions. Why did they eve need such a stupid subject. It was a subject for nerds not heroes or Aurors in training. That's what he wanted to be when he was done with School. His mother had told him that her brothers had been famous Aurors in the war and brought glory to the name of Prewett. That's what he wanted, to be famous and respected, but he need a spring board to launch him into the spotlight and greatness. So far he felt like he was getting pushed farther and farther into the shadows. When would it be his turn?


"That has got to be your third pizza!" Hermione complained.

"I'm a growing god." Harry shrugged and he finished off another slice. He didn't want to get Friday dirty with his grease covered fingers so he had opened his locket so he could talk and eat at the same time. "I did offer you a slice."

"I try to eat healthier. Where did you even find a Muggle Pizza Parlor?"

"Friday found one almost an Hour away. Normally I eat healthy but it's the end of the year and exams are done I'm celebrating."

"Oh and what was with the five Pizzas every other day during the exams?"

"Brain Food. I passed all my classes because of it." Harry smiled around his pizza.

"Are you still complaining Granger? It's just food. I will admit it's a bit greasy but palatable food." Draco sat down and snagged a slice from the open box.

"Yeah, Pizza!"

"You are a god among men!" Fred and George cheered grabbing slices of their own followed by Neville.

"Napkins!" Susan sighed before waving her wand and producing the much needed cloths. "Boys. I swear if it weren't for me and Hermione you boys would be walking disasters."

"I totally agree with you Susan." Hermione waved her wand and conjured plates for the boys.

"So what are the plans for Summer?" Fred asked guzzling down a Pepsi.

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