Ready for Marriage No, School Yes

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Chapter 28 "Ready for Marriage No, School Yes"

Tony had Jarvis and Friday working round the clock trying to track down their missing Winter Soldier. Friday was grounded for sending Butterfingers after Sam. Tony told her until she learned to behave she would be with him and Harry would be using a regular cell Phone. Butterfingers was confined to the lab until school started again.

"Any luck?"

"Afraid not Bambi, I got Jarvis and Friday looking all over the webs and SHIELD for Forsty. How's our Hare-Bear?"

"Asleep, I haven't the heart to tell him Barnes is missing yet. Captain Rogers has just left to look where he was last sighted. We will have to tell Haraldr in the morning he will notice Rogers missing." Loki confessed as he curled into the strong arms of his beloved. Harry started to have regular sessions with the Counselor either at the tower or out in then park for a run. Harry was still upset by what happed in Asgard and as far as he knew Bucky was still on a mission. So not having that comfort of having the man near by wasn't helping to settle his thoughts.

"Yeah, can't pull one over on our boy he's too smart for that. We'll do what we can to bring him home for Harry. You should get some sleep yourself. You haven't been sleeping or eating enough."

"I have been feeling unsettled since Asgard. I had a letter from Mother. The trial will take place the day after tomorrow. It seems that Haraldr's gauntlets did more damage than we thought the healers had a hard time unfreezing where he sliced and broke Sif's leg. It took them an entire day just to remove the ice. After the Trial, Thor will return to Midgard in time to see Haraldr off to school."

"I guess Sparkles isn't taking this Sif thing too well either."

"No he's not. Sif had been his friend for centuries and he is mourning her loss. I think he also blames himself for not seeing her true self. We all missed it. I have always known the most of the older Aesir never liked me because they knew of the monster beneath the skin but Odin forbade the telling of my secret. It never occurred to me that any of the children would have been told. So while I know I am not to blame for her hate and treason I can't help but feel responsible."

"Hey, it's not your fault her dad raised her to be a racist bitch. Also no calling my Blueberry a Monster he's just a sweet misunderstood fruit."

"Anthony that must be the most ridiculous nickname you have called me yet. I swear you have an obsession with the tiny berry. I don't think anyone has ever tasted Haraldr's Blueberry muffins since he started making them a year ago. Every time he has made them they suddenly disappear before the rest of us can make it to the kitchen. We have yet to figure out how you steal them with out magic." Loki looked at his lover who was sporting an innocent look.

"Really? I don't remember having those delicious beauties in my lab for my own consumption. When Harry is baking I am banned from the kitchen after I kept eating the batter. So it is physically impossible for me to steal the little pieces of blueberry heaven." Tony let Loki go and wandered away from that truth finding glare. It was really hard to lie to the God of Lies.

"You can't fool me Anthony and I will find out how you are stealing the muffins with out you leaving your work shop." Loki said crossing his arms.

"Master Tony I have information relating to Mr. Barnes." Friday piped up.

"Oh look Friday has a lead; thank you Baby Girl put it on the screen." Tony ordered with Loki coming to stand at his side. "Looks like were not the only ones looking for our Frosty Soldier. Mandarin is putting out feelers for him over the dark web. The question is do they want to take him hostage or do they want to recruit him."

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