Pauper or Prince?

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Chapter 15 "Pauper or Prince"

"Firs' Years over here!" a voice boomed out as the students disembarked the train. As Harry remembered what the Twins had told him this was Hagrid the Keeper of the Keys a half giant that lived in a hut behind the school. A man with a good heart but brainwashed by Dumbledore. It would do good to be acquainted with the man but not so much to where the headmaster would think he would have influence over him.

The train ride had been very informative. Uncle Nick underplayed a lot of the troubles the wizarding world was facing. It turns out that the Twins father worked for the ministry in the Misuse Muggle Artifacts Department. Their family was purebloods and their dad loved Muggles and their gadgets, their mother loved to care and nurture her children, but was slightly bitter at their finances and their baby sister was very bitter with their social status. Their other brothers on the other hand were already set on their own Paths. Their eldest brother Bill was in Egypt working for his godfather as a curse breaker for the bank, their second oldest Charlie was a Dragon tamer, and Harry thought that was super cool. Their third eldest was Percy and he was still at Hogwarts in his sixth year and had big plans to be in the Ministry. All very dull 'Paper Pushing Percy' the Twins called him, while it might of sounded like they were putting him down; Harry could see the love and affection in their faces and eyes. So even though the twins weren't happy with some of their family's choices, they still loved them.

"Hey watch it!"

"You watch it Weasley. I was here first."

"So what Malfoy, I'm trying to find someone."

Harry rolled his eyes. He knew they were both looking for him. Before he closed the locket of mind stone he heard the thoughts of the students passing his carriage. He heard Ron's need to earn the money Dumbledore had given him, while Malfoy thoughts were a bit darker with his father's veiled threats if he didn't win Harry to their way of thinking. Well he wasn't going to play their games by their rules, but he wasn't going to let Lord Malfoy bully the Malfoy heir. Harry would have to think on how to play out that path without getting the other boy in trouble with his father. Two boys, both were pawns, one being paid to spy and one driven by fear to influence.

"Remember Haraldr, while pawns are disposable they are also the most powerful pieces on the board. They can take out Kings and Queens and become anything they want, as long as they stand and fight."

Harry remembered his Grandfather's words at Christmas when, Odin taught him how to play chess. The All-Father had tried to teach his father and uncle how to play when they were his age but never made it past the first lesson. Uncle Thor didn't have the patience and his Father question every action the pieces made and why. Aunt Hela didn't want to learn as she said she was too smart for such a predictable game. Harry loved learning the game from his grandfather. It was a game of patience, and skill while thinking ten steps ahead. Now he was in the biggest chess game of his life and he was playing multiple opponents.

"In to the boats!"

"Excuse me, is it okay if I sit here?" a timid voice asked. Neville Longbottom, the boy spent most of the trip wandering up and down the hall looking for his toad. He was shy and had a good heart. Harry nodded his consent and the boy took the seat next to him looking a little green. So the demi-god use a little bit of his sorcery to level out their boat to give them a smoother ride. Neville's color improved and he relaxed as they made it to the other side of the lake. All of the first years made it out of the boat and up to the castle coming to a stop at two large wooden doors. A witch in Scottish tartan robes came to stand before them.

"Firs' years, professor McGonagall."

"Thank you Hagrid, I'll take it from here. Welcome to Hogwarts, the start-of-tern banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted in to your Houses. The Sorting is a very important ceremony, because while you are here, your house will be something like your family,"

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