Where I Go Trouble Follows

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Chapter 20 "Where I Go, Trouble Follows"

The Platform to the train was almost like a ghost town hardly anyone was there at seven o'clock in the morning. The Asgardians walked on to the platform in Mortal Muggle wear ready to send off their youngest family member with the cats trotting along beside them. Tony wanted to go as well but Hela accidentally put him to sleep before they left.

"Do you think we will meet the Headmaster again?" Thor asked as he scanned around the station.

"He would be a fool to confront Loki and Haraldr again so soon after the last in counter." Hela scoffed.

"If you did not suspect him coming then why did you insist on coming with us, Dear Sister?" The God of Mischief questioned.

"Because of him." Hela pointed to the dark figure walking over to them.

"Hello Professor Snape." Harry greeted when the wizard was close enough.

"Lokinson, I take it this is your family." Snape nodded in acknowledgement.

"Yes, sir. This is My Father Loki God of Chaos and Magic, My Uncle Thor God of Thunder and My Aunt Hela Goddess of Death." Harry tapped out the introduction. "Father, Aunt, Uncle, this is my Potion's Professor, Severus Snape."

"We have met before haven't we mortal?" Hela stepped forward. "I am glad you stopped using yourself a test subject you had a few close calls there."

"Yes, I believe our last encounter had convinced me to take more time in my researching before experimenting." Snape agreed impressively paling even more than his naturally paper white coloring.

"The old fool has sent you as his messenger, hasn't he?" Hela narrowed her eyes as she could feel her magic on the Potion's Master.

"He has. He wanted Mr. Lokison to have this and wanted me to lie to him that his mother wanted him to have this. He is trying to re-enforce the lie that Lily was his mother to try and gain control of him. If Mr. Lokinson believes that you are not his father and that he was lied to then the headmaster can manipulate him into whatever he has planned. I for one think Albus is wasting his time with trying to foster the lie. Mr. Lokinson is the smartest wizard in his year and knows how to use the brain he was born with." Severus pulled the wrapped package from his Cloak and handed it to the Ravenclaw.

"Sister," Loki's growled but Hela silenced him with a firm hand to his arm.

"Easy Baby Brother, the Professor is correct Haraldr is too smart to fall for the Old Fool's lies. Open your gift Nephew." The goddess instructed.

"I can feel your Magic Aunt Hela." Harry looked to his aunt confused as he opened the package. A silvery cloth spilled out of the paper wrapping.

"Yes Haraldr, you feel my magic because I created it centuries ago and it was passed Through your family line because it was meant for you as you are the Master of Death."

"Aunt Hela you know Grandmother said there can't be two gods of death." The Demi-God rolled his eyes.

"Your Grandmother just didn't want Death to be part of the wedding." Hela pouted. She and her mother argued about Harry's God title since he was to perform the blessing and soul bonding on the two grooms. Her mother won out saying that while they had similar abilities their powers were different and so should there titles be.

"Hela, can we please focus on the cloak?" Loki griped.

"Fine, Brother," The Goddess gently took the cloak and wrapped it around the first year smiling as his body disappeared from sight leaving just a floating head. "This Dear Nephew is my Hallow called the Cloak of Invisibility. It will always shield you from the sight of others and now they shall never hear you coming."

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