Gathering of the Realms

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. This is just for fun and I hope you enjoy reading it.

Child of Silence

By Angelwings Sorrow

Chapter 49 "Gathering of the Realms"

"Okay Lokison, tell me again, why I am here?" Theo pulled his cloak around him as he stood on the platform of 9¾ with the rest of the MAGIC waiting for the station to clear up.

"Theo, we have already told you were going with Harry for spring break." Daphne rolled her eyes. For the safety of MAGIC Harry insisted that all of them come to Asgard. They also could represent Midgard's Magical Community in this Summit of the Nine Realms. The Ravenclaw had opened his father's pocket dimension and sent all their trunks ahead to Asgard so now they were just waiting for their escort.

"Greetings Nephew, I see that you have brought your friends."

"Aunt Hela I thought that I wouldn't see you until we got to Asgard." Harry hugged the Goddess.

"Well someone had to fetch you, as your uncle Thor suddenly fell asleep forgetting it was his duty to retrieve you." Hela explained but the young demi-god knew there was more that she wasn't saying. "Now that the other mortals are gone you all stand close together. Heimdall, I, Hela Goddess of Death call on you to open the gates to Asgard!" The group was enveloped in the rainbow light and pulled them to the land of the gods.

"Welcome Home, Princess Hela and Prince Haraldr. Welcome young warriors of Midgard." The gatekeeper bowed to the royals and greeted the mortals.

"Are the Carriages ready?"

"Yes Princess, but Queen Frigga has sent Sleipnir for Prince Haraldr."

"Of course she did. Well than I shall have to race my dear nephew to the palace." Hela smirked before letting out an ear piercing whistle. The humans covered their ears and Harry's eyes widened as he felt the shift in magic. Suddenly the ground was shaking and it got worst as if it something coming closer to them.

"Hooooowl!" Suddenly the giant Hellhound came to a full stop in front of the terrified mortals.

"Good boy Fenris. We're going to have a little race with Haraldr and Sleipnir won't that be fun." Hela cooed and climbed on to the Hound's massive back while Harry rolled his eyes as he mounted the eight legged horse. "Heimdall make sure to send to mortals on after we have left the bridge."

"Yes My Princess."

"Come Fenris, let us show Haraldr how we race in Asgard." Hela nudge the wolf into a run but it wasn't long before Harry and Sleipnir had not only caught up but were pulling ahead. The gods were laughing as they ran the familiars fast and free. Frigga shook her head in amusement as she watched from the steps of the palace as the two got closer and closer.

"Hello my darlings did you have a good race?" the Queen asked as they came to a stop before the steps.

"Yes mother we did. But I believe that Haraldr and Sleipnir has won by just a hair." Hela dismounted the hound and he returned to the size of a mortal dog allowing him to enter the palace.

"I believe you are right. Both of you go and freshen up. Haraldr I have new formal armor that incorporates your heritage realm, home realm, and the realm of your birth for you in your room. The delegates from the other realms will be here be evening and all the House of Odin must be in attendance in formal leathers and armor."

"Yes, Grandmother." Harry hugged the elder goddess before running inside. Once he was gone Frigga turn a disapproving look to her daughter.

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