Growing Pains

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Chapter 6 "Growing Pains"


By the time lunch rolled around Loki was carrying a sleeping Harry in his arms followed by Tony who was carrying a sleeping Jinx kitten. They had spent hours at the mall getting Harry all the things a growing child would need from a child size desk and chair to toys and even muggle pet supplies for the newly named kitten, Shadow. Harry was in awe of everything he saw. Harry accidentally started the bonding ritual when he named his jinx promising to always love and care for the kitten and once started it could not be stopped and the bonding pulled magic from both the young wizard and familiar. Once the bonding was over both Harry and Shadow fell asleep. The two men tucked the boy and his familiar in the child's bed. They had just closed the door when they heard a loud voice coming from the elevator. Loki waved a hand over his door to prevent Harry from hearing anything and waking up.

"Lady Jane I am not a liesmith! I do have a nephew!" Thor's voice got louder the closer he got.

"I don't want to hear it Thor. You leave without telling me and when you do return you don't even bother with a phone call. Jarvis is the one who sends messages at your request. You expect me to believe you suddenly have a kid to take care of, that belongs to your brother who, I might add, tried to take over the world?" Jane's voice was climbing in volume with each word.

"I told you Point Break, you need to learn how to use a cell phone. Hello Dr. Foster it's nice to see you again." Tony greeted when he and Loki entered the living room.

"Lady Jane it is nice that my brother has invited you over but will you refrain from shouting my son Haraldr is asleep."

"So this kid is real and they are letting you have custody?"

"Don't be so hard on Reindeer Games here he wasn't himself when all that happened. His Dad grounded him to Earth for now. Caps' boy toy had a memory break from his time at HYDRA and we went to rescue the kid. We found out after bringing Harry home that he was Loki's son. Harry's mother died when he was one and of course we all decided to take the kid in." Tony summarized events not going into the Magical history.

"So where is he? If Harry was rescued he should be under medical care." Jane asked not convinced that Loki is father material.

"My son has received excellent medical care since his rescue three weeks ago. He is currently napping right now. We were out getting things for his new room and kitten that an old friend of mine had gifted him. You may see him when he wakes up." Loki was unimpressed with his brother's choice in girlfriends. She was slightly better than Lady Sif but still she was too selfish in his opinion. Yes, Thor had his pride and was sometimes selfish himself but he had a good heart under his naïve arrogance.

"Here, I took pictures while we were shopping today. See isn't he a little heart breaker?" Tony pulled out his Stark phone pulling up the photos he took at the mall of Harry smiling and carrying the Jinx in his arms.

"He does look like him. That cat is a bit large to be a kitten." Jane said examining the photo.

"It's a special breed from Alfheim called a Jinx. I did not know you were going to see Jareth today. How does he fare Brother?" Thor explained smiling at the picture of his cute nephew.

"Jareth is well. He is bank manager now but with all the paperwork to be done today, I forgot to ask about his mother Lady Aria. I shall write him once the audit is complete he will be busy until then." Loki replied.

"Prince Loki security has arrived with Master Harry's purchases."

"Thank you Jarvis please direct them to Harry's new play room. Also direct the ones bringing up the cat stuff to the room across Harry's play room."

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