And the Winner Is...

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. This is just for fun and I hope you enjoy reading it.

Child of Silence

By Angelwings Sorrow

Chapter 61 "And the Winner Is..."

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the Last Task of the Tri-Wizard Tournament! Now I know you all are excited for our Champions to make their appearance but let me first thank the Ministries of France and Romania in conjunction with our own British Government for brining the tournament back and unifying the Wizarding world. Not only have our Champions performed these Tasks but they have triumphed over their difficult adversity. As they have preformed these tasks we all have taken part with them and cheering them on with all our hearts. We must continue to support them as this will be their most difficult and dangerous task."

"More dangerous then the dragon or those underwater gremlins?" Tony muttered under his breath as he and Loki sat with the rest of the Asgard royal family minus Odin but Helblindi was there in their own box seats.

"Anthony, hush the mad mortal is talking. I am trying to hear his hidden meanings."

"Tin man is right baby brother, this Mortal is speaking nonsense. Don't worry so much; I have taken steps to disable some of his plans with the help of the God of Serpents."

"The God of Serpents? Who is that; I know of no such God." Loki looked to his sister in confusion.

"My naïve Baby Brother, did you not know that your Familiar has become a god of his own?" Hela laughed as her eyes glowed with laughter.

"Hela do not tease Loki he is stressed as it is. My son, when you left Jörmungandr with Hela in Niflheim he absorbed the essence and power of the realm of the dead over the many centuries. So by the time you had reunited with your familiar, Jörmungandr had gained the power of a god." Frigga explained with a smile then noticed a worried look on her son's face. "Don't worry about your father I have already had words with him over it and he has relented to my persuasion and place Jörmungandr among the Titled Gods."

"You are lucky clan Brother Loki. The Norns rarely bestow such a gift on one's familiar." Helblindi praised.

"Now here are our Champions!" Dumbledore finally finished his speech and was now bringing out the Students. Every one was on pins and needles except for the Avengers who were scattered in the crowd and among the task grounds and were on alert for any sign of danger.

Harry walked out onto the field and watched the horrified look on Cedric's face. The whole field was overrun with plants that seemed to be moving on their own accord. Professor Moody just pushed his way out of the jungle mess and nodded to the Headmaster. It was then that the DADA professor tried to take a drink of his hip flask only to find it empty. A panicked look overcame his face, and he started to look back at the castle. Hermione had been right; the flask contained a potion that the professor desperately needed.

The Ravenclaw half listened to the instructions as he mentally went through the list of missing potion ingredients that had been stolen from Snape's office. He couldn't remember what potion required those ingredients let alone was on a time limit. Harry was pulled from his thoughts when he was told he would be the Second to enter the magical maze and then he would be facing these challenges alone. After Cedric entered the maze the Young Jotun waited for the bell to ring again signaling his time to go. He looked up one last time to see his family giving him encouraging looks before entering the maze.

The maze was dark and the lights from the Quidditch field were very little help. Harry let his magic guide him and it wasn't long before he came upon his first trial. It was a Sphinx a rare and majestic Creature. It rose to its feet and gaze d own at the Jotun Prince.

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