Vision in the Water

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Chapter 59 "Vision in the Water"

It was cold but it wasn't too bad. He could feel that his body was weightless but he couldn't see where he was exactly. He was unafraid but still felt the urgent need to be somewhere. He could see a small light that kept getting brighter the closer he got. Suddenly he was engulfed in the light.

Harry sat up gasping for air. He was drenched in a cold sweat and shaking. He reached out for his glasses only to have Butterfingers place them gently on his face. Shadow went from kitten form to regular form to cuddle his Master. This was the first clear vision since he got his new powers. While the dream wasn't anything to fear it was just very intense with the feelings of importance and connection to what he didn't know. Harry looked at the clock to see it was a little after four in the morning. The others would still be sleeping so he decided to take a walk under his invisibility cloak.

"Reow?" Shadow voiced his objection at the hand sign to stay but Harry ignored him and slipped out of his room and into the darkness.

Walking down the empty halls Harry took slow deep breaths calming his already stressed nerves. It felt like the Mind Stone was trying to tell him something but he wasn't sure what or why it was so important. As the Ravenclaw made his way to the court yard he almost bumped into the DADA Professor. What was he doing up so early and wandering the dungeons?

"I know you're there Lad, I can see you." Moody called out his magical eye roaming over to where he stood invisible.

"Professor." Harry signed after pulling off his cloak.

"So what are you doing up before dawn?" The Ex-auror asked.

"I could ask the same of you Professor but you're the Teacher. I was going to get some air and think about the Task next month." Harry shrugged as if he had not a care in the world but really his eyes were sharp taking in everything and he was on guard.

"I don't sleep much after all the years in the Aurors. I noticed we haven't had much chance to talk Potter."

"It's Lokison, Potter was my Barer's name."

"I see but you look a lot like James, he was my student when he started the AurorAcademy, now you are my student. I teach these kids but they won't make it out there in the real world, but you can. I can teach you more than the others because you have the talent and smarts to become an Auror yourself." Moody smirked showing his crooked yellow teeth. Harry didn't trust him one bit.

"James was an Auror true but I am not. I am just a student and I am fine with being just that." The Ravenclaw stated watching the professor develop a facial tick showing his growing frustration.

"You are a champion Boy. You know the others are just looking for a way to win, you don't want to let your school down."

"I'm not fighting for the school; I'm fighting for my people and the realms on which they live. I won't let them down because I already solved the next task."

"Solve it already huh? So the Headmaster was right you think you're above the rules because you're smarter then the average snot nosed brat. Fine we'll see how well you do in the next task. I can promise you that our next lesson well twice as hard. I've been going too easy on you since school began and it's time you learn the meaning of Constant Vigilance! Now back to your Dorm." The DADA Professor growled.

"Yes, sir." Harry took a step forward and up on to Butterfingers who he had summoned the moment he ran into the Ex-Auror. "See you in class sir." Harry signed and gave a salute to the Professor in typical Stark sarcastic fashion before for flying off to parts unknown.

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