We Take Care of Our Own

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Chapter 36 "We Take Care of Our Own"

It had to be a joke. His MAGIC-sisters couldn't be petrified. They all stuck together and never alone and had extra skills to protect them. Unfortunately it was no lie or trick they were frozen staring at the ceiling emptiness in their eyes. Their gazes were lifeless and it made Harry's heart ache. The strange thing was Hermione was holding a mirror and Susan was holding tight a scrape a paper.

"They encountered what ever that artifact let loose." Malfoy said softly as he stood by the ever silent Ravenclaw.

"Malfoy, help me open Susan's hand." Harry signed. The blond gave the raven a curious look but help him remove the paper from the Hufflepuff's petrified hand. Upon reading the note both boys' blood ran cold.


"Malfoy I hear someone coming! Quick, get under the cloak." Harry signed before wrapping the cloak of invisibility around them as they stood close to the wall.

"I have a right to see my niece, Headmaster." Voice declared storming into the Hospital wing.

"Yes Amelia, but you must understand she is in a delicate state." Albus tried to calm the upset witch.

"She wouldn't be in this delicate state if you weren't busy at the ministry. You belong here at the school watching out for the children." Professor Sprout added.

"Pomona, Amelia, I was at a school board meeting I had to leave the castle. I do have responsibilities to them and accounting for the funding we receive."

"I know that you attend the meetings but I also know that the meeting only lasted an hour and a half. Your deputy Headmistress left as soon as the meeting was over yet, you stayed within the ministry for another four hours. I don't know what you have going on but I want you to stop. Your job is to stay here to educate the students not play politics. When I am elected I will make sure there are no more unauthorized visits to the Ministry." Amelia glared before stalking over the bed where her niece laid.

"Albus, this situation has gotten out of hand. Amelia is right, you need to be here stopping this madness or calling some one who can. I am going to meet with the other heads of house and discuss closing the school."

"Now Pomona please we don't want to cause a panic. We need to reassure them that everything is well in hand. Harry Potter is aware of his friends' peril and will stop what ever is causing these students to be petrified."

"Albus, he's a child we need to protect him and the other children."

"He is the chosen One and the boy-who-lived. Only he can defeat the darkness that is trying to take our beloved home. It is late you should head to bed and rest knowing out hero is protecting the students." Albus explained while slowly waving an open potion bottle below Professor Sprout's vision. The vapors reach the unsuspecting teacher's senses. Her eyes became more vacant and her posture more relaxed.

"Yes, headmaster. I will do as you wish; Harry Potter has this well in hand." Sprout's voice was dazed sounding before she walked almost on auto-pilot out of the Hospital wing.

Harry and Draco watched in shock as Dumbledore drug their Herbology teacher and then did the same to Madam Bones. The man just walked up behind the Auror waving the potion bottle behind her back allowing the sent to take effect. Harry pulled a Sandery Blossom from his bag and forced Draco to inhale the scent. The potion had little effect on Harry due to his Jotun Blood but Malfoy was vulnerable. The Asgardian flower, though light in scent had the properties to overpower the most powerful scents and vapor potions. After a few deep breaths Draco was clear headed once again.

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