Of Evil Plans and Innocent Dreams

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. This is just for fun and I hope you enjoy reading it.

Chapter 4 "Of Evil Plans and Innocent Dreams"

It was a sunny day, one of the few rare sunny days in England. Sitting in a café in Oxford Nick Fury, Director of Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division, looked like he was leisurely reading the paper when he was really scanning the area with his hi-tech sunglasses that could find any hidden listening device including magical recording charms. He felt a light tingle surround him as someone sat in the seat at his back with his own Tea and paper to read.

"I don't know who is more paranoid you or me?" the man behind him spoke aloud.

"Obviously you Kings, as you not only scanned me for bugs, but you covered us with your cone of silence spell." Nick snorted but remained seated.

"Maybe you're right." Kingsley chuckled. "But when talking about Harry Potter one can not be too careful. Nine years ago, we were all told he saved our world but no one has seen the boy since. Albus has told us he's fine with his mother's sister and that we'll see him when he goes to Hogwarts. If what you say is true he might not be even getting a letter."

"It's all true Kings. Harry's safe but not in the UK. I won't tell you where to keep you safe. Also this morning I got a full report on the boy's condition and it's a miracle he's even alive. I have to attribute it to his blood line being powerful. We also uncovered his true Parentage which revealed Lilly Potter-Nee-Evans was not the boys mother so what ever spells there were to protect him at the aunt's house wouldn't have worked."

"This is not good. James and Lily's wills were sealed. I believe that Albus was the one to order it but I have no proof; so no one knows who the boy was supposed to go to. Albus used his name and fame to get himself appointed Harry Magical Guardian." Kingsley hissed. "Do you know who Harry's Mother is? She would automatically have custody and rights to his vaults."

"Oh, I know who Harry's Parents are but his mother was James Potter. His Father on the other hand is more powerful than I think even Albus Dumbledore knows. Let's just say he is really upset at how his boy was treated by all who had him in their care. How do we get custody restored to his Father?" Nick replied taking another sip of his coffee.

"The Goblins, they are in charge of bloodlines and legacies as well as gold. Albus went through the ministry to get custody but if the Goblins verify the magic and blood than that proceeds over any ministry decree because blood doesn't lie. The goblins will file with the ministry and all documents will be magically changed and binding. I would have Harry's father audit the accounts as well before taking any money out. You want make sure no one had taken unauthorized funds from the account. Also the Potters are an Ancient and Noble House meaning there are a lot of rare and Magical Artifacts in those vaults."

"What about Friends of the Potters anyone we should be aware of?"

"Now that dear brother is a sad tale and I call Albus a murderer for it. Sirius Black was framed as a traitor and sentenced to the Dementor's Kiss without a trial before anyone knew about his arrest. Remus Lupin found the real traitor Peter Pettigrew who sold out the Potters and killed twelve Muggles. He brought Pettigrew to ministry only to be told about Sirius. He died that night of a broken heart because a werewolf can't live without his mate. Albus knew that Black was innocent and did nothing to stop Fudge's 'Swift Justice'. It killed two brave and innocent men; now, Harry is all alone Nick and he should never return to England. But whatever plot is going on it will bring him back here despite all our efforts to prevent it."

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