At Long Last

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Chapter 19 "At Long Last"

The Gods Have Returned to England!

By Jasper Flynn

You read right faithful Readers. The Norse Gods of Asgard has made their presence know here in England. For the past few years we have had reports of them being seen across the pond in America. So why are they only now gracing us with their Presence? Well the answer lies with one of this year's first year Students at Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. From where this reporter could see it was the Crown Prince Thor and Prince Loki of Asgard we're at King's Cross awaiting to pick up a student for coming home for the Holidays. This reporter was not close enough to hear all of the conversation between the gods and Headmaster Professor Dumbledore but it seems that they were verifying the Young First year's schooling. Maybe they we're unhappy with the child's grades, as the education at Hogwarts' is considered the best in Europe. The atmosphere was tense before the gods departed back to Asgard with their charge. What does this mean for us Mortals? Who is this Mystery First year could he be son of the Chaos God or could he be the son of the God of Thunder? Maybe when School returns for the New Year we will get our answers. This reporter also wonders where our Hero Harry Potter is in all this. He was suppose to have started his first year as well after living with his Muggle Relatives for the past ten years. There are conflicting stories from the student accounts of the traditional Sorting Hat Ceremony. What is for certain is that Harry Potter is not attending Hogwarts. Where is our hero? In these uncertain times we need his light. There are many rumors of 'Who must be Name's return to our world despite his defeat at the tiny hands of the 'Boy Who Live'. The Ministry assures us that all is well and that we need not worry about the Dark Lord's return. But I can't help wonder if the disappearance of Harry Potter is sign of Dark things to come. Be sure to keep reading as I uncover the truth as these events unfold.

"Isn't this a laugh Dear Haraldr? You look nothing like your Uncle Blondie."

"Yes it is godfather but not unexpected. The Reporter was not close enough to hear our conversation." Replied the demi-god as he accepted the newspaper.

"Jareth please leave the nick names to Anthony." Loki bemoaned "While I knew our presence could not be hidden for ever in England I did not expect such a quick response."

"Uncle Thor suggested we travel by the Bi-frost to be sure we weren't followed. You have to admit that the Bi-Frost is very noticeable." Harry rolled his eyes at his father.

"Yes that is true. I was surprised that Thor was subtle in his suggestion, but I had thought running Through my head already. Mother was happy for the visit as she thought I would never bring Haraldr to Asgard." Loki sighed taking the paper from his son. "We were lucky that they were unable to take photograph."

"Dad, Uncle Thor isn't that dense. He is improving the more time he spends on earth. Dumbledore would have followed us had we left by Muggle means. He is determined to get me under his control and this article proves why. At least that's what it looks like to me." Harry shrugged then jumped a bit as a Carmel colored Jinx he had never seen before popped its head Through the desk. "Hello, aren't you a beauty?"

"Ah, I see Alva has decided to join us today. Normally she stays up stairs or on the roof in the conservatory where there is plenty of sunshine." Jareth smiled as Alva jumped on Harry's lap.

"She is the Great granddaughter of Bjorn is she not?" Loki asked petting the soft Carmel fur.

"Yes, she is. Jinx like all realm being have interesting bloodlines Haraldr. Bjorn was my mother's Jinx and she gave me my first kitten. Like my mother I like to breed the cats to keep the bloodline going even though they live but five hundred years. Alva is the granddaughter of my first Jinx Colborn. He had the power of fire. Your father and I would hide him in the fireplaces and tell him to light up and wait. Then when Thor would enter the room Colborn would jump at him with his fur covered in flames and scare him."

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