I Just Wanted a Walk

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Chapter 41 "I Just Wanted a Walk"

"Dad, Father I am fine. It's been two weeks since I've been back in New York, Uncle Bruce and Dr. Strange just last week gave me a full clean bill of health."

"Yeah well we didn't." Tony snapped as he fluffed Harry's pillows, and tucking the stuffed snowy owl plush in next to him.

"You really scared us when you were carted off the Quinjet on a gurney. Now here have some Tea." Loki said pour Harry a fresh cup. Then he summoned some chocolate biscuits on a plated and offering it to his son.

"First off that was Uncle Steve's fault. I was completely healed before we left but he insisted. He said it was to ensure that nothing disrupted the healing process."

"Well I had every right to be concerned about the health of my godson. When Bucky called to say that you had been stabbed through your armor I broke the podium in half in front a room full Shield Trainees. Nick wasn't to happy about his new recruits being scared on their first day at training." A voice answered as they entered the room.

"That's because they either wet themselves or passed out from fear." Natasha said entering Harry's room right after the captain. Harry had forced on bed rest since he came home from Wakanda and he was going stir crazy but he couldn't fault his Uncle from over reacting. When Steve got to Wakanda he was in a sterile room and very weak from blood loss. Being half human Shuri said it wasn't wise to give him a transfusion in case of a reaction. The blood replenishing potions were weak on him because their Asgardian crops weren't ready for harvesting so he had to take the potions made with plants grown on earth. This took longer for him to heal and Steve saw a very pale blue Jotun when he arrived. This caused Uncle Steve to shout at Bucky and T'Challa, then pleading for information from Shuri, her mother and Zuri and finally tears of grief over Harry begging him to get better quickly. On the way home he was treated to a whole bunch of the promise safety lectures from his God Father. Harry couldn't get a thought in as Uncle Steve with his super lungs could keep talking without taking a breath. Ending his speech with 'I don't care if you are half god and half magical wizard; you are still just a kid and my godson. I will always worry about you because I love and care about you.' That confession had Harry breaking down into tears. Before he was saved from HYDRA no one cared about him, because he was just a means to an end. Since he came to live with his father and the Avengers he learned the true meaning of Love and Concern. He had worried his family because they loved him and were concern about his welfare.

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