The Past Can Not Be Undone

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Chapter 46 "The Past Can Not Be Undone"

The news spread like wild fire through the Muggle world about the Expo Explosions through the News and Social Media. Now while it didn't effect the Magical world at large but it did affect a small group of students at Hogwarts. In the early morning hours on Sunday morning found the eight MAGIC students trying to hold the small Jotun Prince back from leaving Hogwarts.

"Harry you know you can't leave." Neville gritted out as the all braced against the strong Ravenclaw.

"Remember the contract." Hermione tried logic as she and Luna we're wrapped around his waist holding him back but that wasn't getting through to him either.

"Lokison this is really undignified." Draco applied to the prince's sense of decorum and it was a miss as Harry growled and pushed harder against his well meaning friends.

"We can't hold him!" Daphne shrieked as they were being pushed back. As the students tried to hold their leader back they didn't hear the thunder roar or the lightning land.

"Let him go." A deep voice called from behind the group. The command came as relief to the students as they released the young Jotun Prince. Harry went running right in to the strong arms of an older stronger god. "Easy Haraldr, every thing is alright now."

The MAGIC students slowly back tracked into the castle leaving Harry with his Uncle Thor. They also convince the two Slytherin Professors that they were not needed in this instance. None of them saw the man in the tower keeping a sharp but a crazy eye on the Gods just outside the castle.

"Uncle, I need to go home."

"No Haraldr, you must stay here with your friends. Your father left not long ago to tend to your dad making sure everything is well. The Avengers have taken care of the enemy and saved the mortals that were at the Expo. Lady Pepper tried to control the news from the attack because they knew you and your father would worry before you received word that everything was alright."


"No Haraldr, you must trust and have faith in our Avenger Family. I believe in my Shield brothers and sister, so should you. Lady Pepper informed us that Hammer was just a distraction and that Mandarin had broke your dad's enemy from prison to try and destroy him. You would be vulnerable if you were to go to your parents right now, so you must stay here." Thor held his distraught nephew close feeling the boy's silent tears soaking his shirt. He hated that Haraldr was so upset but this was the life a warrior and despite the child's dark beginnings he needs to understand that these thing will happen. Thor would not follow Odin's teachings of belittling the boy's feelings. He would stay with Haraldr until the young god felt better and secure before he returned to the manor. Loki would be in New York for at least a week to help Tony with the clean up from the expo, so it would be up to him to watch over their son from their Manor.

The MAGIC students watched the two gods until they were sure they were not needed. They all relocated to the Founder's common room with the two Professors in tow. Butterfingers was on the job brewing tea for the group the house elves were on hand arranging a buffet breakfast for all of them. Shadow was whining in distress because he was not able to comfort his master. The twins sat on the floor cuddling the upset jinx.

"Thank you, Butterfingers." Susan sighed accepting the cup of tea from the bot. "I think that is the worst I've ever seen Harry."

"I don't think any of us have ever seen him like that before." Daphne agreed.

"The Avengers haven't had a battle this intense since the alien attack years ago. Also the stress Harry's been under lately has been crippling, this was just a breaking point." Hermione reasoned.

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