When Did Things Change?

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Chapter 21 "When Did Things Change?"

"What were you thinking taking on a dragon?" Ganger hissed quietly as she slid into the chair next to Harry in the back of the Library.

"How did you hear about that Granger? And keep your voice down I don't need you to feed the rumor mill." Harry typed out for Hermione to read.

"Neville couldn't remember the password to the dorms when he came in late; I had to let him in. I told him I would report him to McGonangall if he didn't tell me why he had been out past curfew."

"That is awfully Slytherin of you Granger." Malfoy smirked sliding into the seat on the other side of Harry across from the Lion. "Though for my part Lokison fighting a dragon was an impressive sight."

"Will you both shut up!" Harry turned on Friday's speaker. Normally he kept it on silent mode in the library but his year mates were a bit loud and he didn't want anyone else knowing about Hagrid's pet dragon.

"Sorry Lokison." Malfoy apologized looking sheepishly

"Sorry." Granger blushed.

"Hi Haraldr, Malfoy, Granger." Susan Bones greeted sitting across from Harry.

"Hi Susan, what have you got on the schedule?" Harry asked glad for someone to change the subject.

"Well I need help with transfigurations then Malfoy and I need to work on our charms project." The Hufflepuff replied as she set out her supplies.

"Come on Bones we've been working on it everyday this week." Malfoy whined.

"Yes, if you want to win we need to practice." Susan glared at the blond then turned to the Gryffindor. "So who is your partner Granger?"

"Justin Finch-Fletchley. He's a Muggle-born like me but he is the rudest boy I have ever met." Hermione complained.

"That he is. I get that he is a tad it more talented than some of the other students but it has gone to his head." Susan rolled her eyes. "Haraldr can you help me with this spell for my essay? I can't seem to get it."

"Sure let me see what you got." Harry agreed.

The four students continued their study session never realizing a jealous lion watched their every move. He had, had a meet with the Headmaster the other day. He told Dumbledore what his father said about chasing after Potter and he was ordered to stay away. The Headmaster took the news grimly but suggested that Ron watch from a far make sure Harry stayed out of trouble. So far all Potter seemed to do was study. But that little nugget of gossip had peaked his interest. Maybe it would interest the Headmaster too.


"I don't know which is worst. His badgering or his stalking." Harry bemoaned Through Friday letting his head fall on the table as he sat in Hagrid's hut with his study group and the Twins gathered around him. Since their return to school he was constantly catching the youngest Weasley out of the corner of his eye. Always five to ten feet away watching his every move it was super creepy. Also reporting everything to the headmaster he was pulled into the office and grilled about the dragon before getting detention with Snape for a month. What was worst was today was Valentines Day and not only was he being chased by Ron but almost every girl in their year. The owls kept dropping cards all over his breakfast this morning that he had to leave. He was starving because he didn't want to risk that happening again at lunch. He managed to take the refuge in Hagrid's hut unfortunately he was not alone.

"Well Dad did say to leave you alone."

"But he never said he couldn't follow you."

"Okay, new question why are you all following me?" Harry asked turning his head to see the crowd smiling down at him.

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