Chapter 41

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Jumin was talking with Jihyun and drinking with him tonight catching up since they haven't talked in a month

When Alex walks out of his room  and jumin looks over

"Alex what's wrong?" Jumin asks as you and angel were already fast asleep and Alex was but what happened?

"Nightmare." Alex says and jumin picks him up

"Hey it's ok I'm here and I'm gonna protect you Alex don't worry." Jumin says and Alex nods and hugs jumin as he basically falls asleep on the couch beside him

Jumin hadn't noticed yet and kept talking with Jihyun until Jihyun pointed out Alex being asleep

"Oh Alex fell asleep." He says and Jihyun wanted to be a dad so badly to Alex but he knew that was never gonna happen

Alex was never gonna know the truth and it hurt him a lot knowing Alex will never know the truth about his birth father

"Ah well I better put him to bed I'll be right back." Jumin says as he picks up Alex and carries him to his bed and tucks him in

*Honestly I hate that I broke y/ns heart if I didn't choose rika over y/n then I'd have been there for my son but I decided to hurt her all because I thought it would help rika, but why did I care about rika more then the girl I wanted to spend the rest of my life with so why? Why did I choose rika? Well I won't ever again I won't choose rika over Victoria I don't mess up my new relationship like I did with y/n* Jihyun thinks as jumin walks back out and they talk for a few more hours until Jihyun had to go

"Yeah it's late and I should get to bed but first I need to go check on angel and make sure she's ok." Jumin says and Jihyun nods and walks out as jumin walks to the nursery

He sees angel awake but she wasn't crying or needing anything

"Hey sweetie what are you doing up? Your supposed to be asleep." Jumin says as angel giggles as jumin picks her up

*I can't wait to watch her grow up*

(So I'm kinda out of ideas my friend lilith gave me the idea of time skipping 5 years later or something should I do that?)

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