Chapter 35

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|Rikas pov|

Jihyun has been going out more and I found out he's been meeting this pink haired whore

I followed him one day and he met up with her and he kissed her when he walked over to her

They then went on an date and went back to her apartment where they watched a movie and made out on the couch

The girl was on the ground floor so I could watch them

How dare V cheat on me I can't believe it he's been cheating on me oh he's so gonna pay for this

But how to get him back?

I think about Alex and the girl

I'll get back at y/n and V at the same time and that girl will pay for stealing V from me and y/n she deserves to pay for stealing V in the past

I then go home laughing like a psychopath all the way home

|Your pov|

Your sister was baby sitting Alex as you and jumin had to go to this business party well jumin had to go and his dad said that you should be there and we'll it's gonna be boring and past alexs bed time

"Alex be good ok?" You say and Alex was frowning and you kiss his cheek and then you and jumin left

"I'm sorry my dad is forcing you to come I don't even want you to come but well we haven't been seen in public a lot since we got married so people think our marriage wasn't actually real and my dad wants us to be seen together more." Jumin says and you nod

"It's fine I understand jumin."

|Written by Lilith but when I'm writing for maya I like to try and write how she writes because why not|

|Alexs pov|

|hours later|

It was past my bed time and I was reading a book when my closet opened and a crazy woman ran out and and I hit my head on the ground

When I woke up I was in a basement and people in robes were around and I started crying wanting mommy and daddy

I voice says something to me

"Alex hey it's me Victoria don't cry." Mommy's friend says and I don't stop crying

"I want mommy!!!" I say and Victoria hugged me through the bars

"Don't worry it's gonna be ok."

"Why are you here?"

"Well in the middle of the night as I was with V she broke into my apartment and started yelling at him for cheating on her before she knocked him out by accident and then she took me." Victoria explains and I didn't understand one word of what she said

"I don't understand."

"I know you don't but your parents will find us don't worry."

"Mommy and jumin will." Alex says reminding Victoria Alex doesn't know V is his father so she can't say parents for you and V

"Yes and V will too I just hope he knows where I am."

|Jihyuns pov|

I go to the mint eye building I should have figured rika was still keeping it running I thought I was helping rika by being with her I was keeping others safe but behind my back she was still running mint eye

I lost so much and no one was being safe from her

*Well I gotta save Victoria I won't lose her too*

Right then jumin called me and he was saying how Alex was kidnapped and then I remembered how rika said she'll make me pay for cheating don't say she took Alex since he's my son

*Rika is pulling a poor kid into this now all because I started dating Victoria me and rika were never together she kinda just thought we were but we weren't, and now because of all my actions Alex and Victoria are paying for them*

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