Chapter 38

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|Months later|

You were really close to your due date and jumin took time off work to work at home until the baby is born and a bit after it

Alex was less happy the closer your due date was he wanted you and jumin to his self

"I want baby to go away." Alex says and you kiss his forehead

"Alex we can't sorry but your mother could go into labour any day it's impossible for the baby to go away now." Jumin says and Alex pushed jumins face away when he went to kiss you

"Alex why do you always do that."

"My mommy you can't kiss my mommy." Alex says hugging you and you smile as you rub alexs back

"Why not Alex."

"You'll give cooties to mommy."

"That isn't real buddy don't worry."

Alex shrugs as he hugged you and jumin sat beside you

*Any day now and me and y/n are gonna have a little baby girl I can't wait to meet them*

|A few days later|

You were making lunch when you felt your water break and you then called jumin and he runs in and saw what was happening and then got Alex and you to the car and drove to the hospital which immediately you both were brought to the a room where a nurse stayed with you and jumin and Alex was sitting on a couch in the room playing on his tablet

As jumin and the nurse were helping you through contractions and stuff

"Your doing so well y/n I know you can do it."

"I know I've done it before all by myself I've had Alex remember." You say and jumin kisses your forehead

"I know but this time you have me."

|Hours later|

You were holding the little baby girl wrapped in a blanket as you were crying so happily

Jumin kisses you as he held Alex who was looking at his little sister

"She so small."

"Of course she is Alex she's just been born."

"What her name?" Alex asks as he looks up at jumin

"Well her name is......"

(go ahead and pick the name you guys want for the baby the most voted one will be the babies name)

1. Jade

2. Joy

3. Angel

4. Julia

5. Jasmine

6. Alexia

7. Emma

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