Chapter 26

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Jumin always made sure you were comfortable enough which made you blush a lot because he was so cute and you wondered how he was gonna act like when the baby was born

"I wonder if it's a girl or boy what do you want it to be Alex?" Jumin says as he was rubbing where the baby was

"I want a boy girls are gross."

"But your mother is she gross?"

"No she's my mother duh dad she can't be gross she's not a girl." Alex says and you and jumin laugh as Alex was playing with Elizabeth

"Well Alex if it was a boy what would you want to name him?" You ask an Alex thinks as Elizabeth licks his hand

"I don't know mommy." Alex says as he then goes back to playing with Elizabeth


Jumin was looking online and looking at stuff newborn babies need

"Hmm I only want the best for the baby of course." Jumin says and you smile he even acts like that to Alex ever since he stepped up as a father to Alex he's said Alex should only have the best

"I'll need to figure out when the baby is due so then I can get my maternity leave from the day care." You say and jumin nods

"Yes correct babe and I want to find out the gender so I know what I need to buy."

"Patience Jumin we have 9 months and we can't find out the gender until around 5 months." You say and jumin nods

"Of course just I'm so worried so many thoughts are going through my head." Jumin says and you turn his face and kiss him

"Calm down jumin I promise you everything will be alright I promise ok." You say and jumin nods and kisses your cheek

*I hope this baby and Alex will get along I want to be one big happy family together*

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