Chapter 47

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7 weeks later

You woke up one morning and throw up and then sigh

"Oh no." You say as Jumin walks in

"Y/n what's going on?" He asks sleepily as he rubs his eyes and god he was so hot in the morning with his messy black hair

"Nothing." You say and he nods

"Ok is it why you're throwing up?" He asks as he was still sleepy and usually he'd get it right away but he's to sleepy to get it you may be pregnant again

"I don't know Jumin but can you wake up Angel and Alex?" You say and jumin nods and walks off to go wake up the kids

You find a pregnancy test and take it as you wait in the bathroom Jumin was making breakfast and was a bit confused why you were taking a bit in the washroom

When you finally came out Jumin was looking at you concerned

"I'm fine." You say smiling as you run over and hug him

"Well that's a nice thing to have early in the morning." Jumin says as you kiss his cheek

"I love you so much." You say and Jumin smiles

"I love you too now breakfast is almost ready I made pancakes, you seemed not well this morning so I decided to make you something." Jumin says and you smile

"Your so sweet and I love your pancakes their the best." You say and Jumin kisses you and you kiss him back as Alex skips in with angel

Jumin smiles at them as Alex helps angel into her seat


After breakfast Jumin had to go to work and you were thinking of a way to tell him you were pregnant again

Angel walks over and you pick her up

"Hey sweetie how are you?" You ask as you kiss her cheek and she giggles

"Can we go see daddy at work today?" Angel asks and you think for a second

"Maybe Angel." You say and she nods as you think maybe you should just go up to him and tell him it doesn't need to be a big thing just you telling him


When Jumin came home from work Angel runs and hugs him

"Daddy!" She says and Jumin picks her up

"Hello my little Angel I see you missed me I missed you too." Jumin says and you walk out and smile

"Jumin can we talk?" You say and Jumin puts Angel down and says he'll be back to hear all about her day

"Ok." He says and you walk into the bedroom and he follows you and you smile at him

"So Jumin I need to tell you something." You say and Jumin sat down as he started to take his work jacket and tie off

"Of course you can tell me anything." Jumin says and you sigh

"I'm pregnant." You say and Jumin stops unbuttoning his jacket

"Your pregnant? Oh my god that's amazing." Jumin says as he gets up and picks you up into a hug

Jumin kisses you and you kiss him back as he holds you close

"I'm so happy I was thinking of talking about having another baby but I didn't know how to bring it up I'm so happy." Jumin says and you kiss him and he kisses you back "I love you so much."

"I love you too Jumin."

I think I'll end it there hope you enjoyed

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