Chapter 43

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Once Jihyun left jumin was talking to you about telling Alex

You were extremely hesitant to say yes you really didn't want Alex to know a thing

"Y/n we should tell him so he can know his sibling? Like he's gonna see them, Victoria is your best friend and Jihyun is mine it's rather we tell him, or he finds out one day and is angry at us for never saying anything." Jumin says and you sigh you really didn't know

"I wanna tell him but at the same time I'm better off without him knowing." You say and jumin kisses the side of your head

"Ok just sleep on it ok? Because Alex deserves to know his half sibling and angel does as well, but you also get a say in this." Jumin says and you nod you know Jihyun wants his child with Victoria to grow up knowing their child's other siblings,

"I know jumin just let me sleep on it ok? Because I really don't know what to think, like Victoria is my best friend and of course because of that I want Alex to know the truth, like then we have to lie and say they aren't siblings, and I don't wanna do that I don't wanna make up some great big lie." You say and jumin nods he didn't want to lie either

Honestly you knew this day would come the day when you knew you'd be forced to tell Alex who his birth father is, and hey might as well do it when he's still young right? And he won't grow up to hate you once he's 18 and can figure it out himself

*I don't know what to do, like I wanna tell Alex but I'm still not sure what to do? I'm so confused!*

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